Hang out with me while I do my homework - IB Jokes added

Only an IB student would:
Read a book and get confused, because they think that "etc" stands for "electron transport chain".

Mohel: If anyone has one of the class-set literature books, you need to turn them in. We need to find all of them!

Student: Would I get CAS hours if I searched through people's lockers?

I think I'll begin with Maths. We're doing some weird form of graphing quadratic equations in the h and k form by completing the square, which I more or less have a grasp on.
I have about five exercises to finish. Fun.
At least the last of those is some problem solving, so we get to see how all the time we spend slaving over wonkily-drawn parabolas relates to something that's relevant to the rest of the world.
Thats actually what we're doing in math right now

If I hear the word parabola again... I think I'll shoot myself LOL
Parabolas are no fun at all. :lau At least we've moved onto something vaguely easier, f(x) and f(gx) or whatever she meant by "g of f(x)". :idunno
IB Student 1: Did you understand a word of that math lecture?
IB Student 2: No, I was finishing the physics homework instead.
IB Student 3: Oh my god, do you understand the physics unit?!
IB Student 2: No, I was doing my math homework during the lecture.

Physics is so much fun. :gig
Rebel: Steals a cop car and drives it down a cliff.
IB Rebel: Drinks coke in the Library.

Now I understand why 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. See, it means a 7 on all IB subjects. (excluding the 3 bonus points, of course)

:eek: I never knew this!!!
(after handing in TOK essays)

IB Student: Yes! No more TOK for the rest of our lives!
IB Student #2: How do you know that?

lmao, I really should be working on my english assignment. I'm writing a darned essay about John the Savage from brave new world.

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