Happy Birthday! (CLICK!!!)


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Hello fellow BYCers!

I just wanted to announce that my chickens are turning 1 year old on February 28th.
🎂 I am having special meals the whole day and the chickens will get some special "meals", too! :D It is so exciting! I can't believe it has been 1 year already. Since this is very special to me, I'm asking (just if you want to :)) you to make a nice happy birthday card/note and either take a picture of it and post it or just write a nice note to them on this thread. (If you want you can PM me with pictures of the card.)

Thank you, that would be great! 🥳
- Clucky

@MGG @SoftSilkie @FluffTheDuck
@cluckmecoop7 Here ya go!


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