Happy Birthday Em

One day they will figure out what comes after they eat the brownies.

Pay attention eenie!

Taz, I started an exercise program after Em adopted me.
*Flips to the page number* ''Any and all drugs have lost potency and are only used for the purpose of freaking out the minions.'' That's mean.
Yes, I do have to have some jokes to play on my minions...

Taz, don't try to weasel out of it...I know you called me ugly and old. We're having a meeting to plot revenge.
eenie... what page is the part about brownies on? I was going to read the handbook, but it was too heavy for an old guy to lift. And as I'm old, my eyes couldn'y read that itty bitty print anyways. Plus it's in Latin or something.

I can't decide if I want to be a minion until I see how many brownies I get.

And how often....

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