
7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
Cleveland, MS
Hey guys! Sorry it has been so long since I was last on here. The last time I was here was when Quackers had EYP, but luckily she pulled through. Thanks to you guys, she is now healthy and happy again. I can't thank you enough for all of the wonderful help you gave me. Anyways, I wanted to take a minute here to give you a little suprise!

Quackers got into the Easter spirit! :)


Glad to hear from you two!

I had a nice visit with some friends - stayed up late, as you can see. I wanted to check in on the forum before turning in, and I am glad I did!

Glad to hear from you as well

Has your cold receded yet?
All better now!

Duckies well, still have a couple who need their special calcium treat almost daily, but as long as I keep up with that, their eggs have good shells. Still wondering what that is about. I am also continuously supplementing the whole flock with 23% calcium gluconate in their feed. At times I think that because of how thick their shells are, that poultry layer does not have enough calcium in it for ducks that lay almost daily.
All better now! :thumbsup  Thanks!

Duckies well, still have a couple who need their special calcium treat almost daily, but as long as I keep up with that, their eggs have good shells.  Still wondering what that is about.  I am also continuously supplementing the whole flock with 23% calcium gluconate in their feed.  At times I think that because of how thick their shells are, that poultry layer does not have enough calcium in it for ducks that lay almost daily.

That's what I thought. I use the DuMOR poultry layer. I was guessing that since the shells on duck eggs are so much thicker than chicken eggs, that there was the right amount of calcium for chickens but not quite enough for ducks.

Quackers laid another soft shelled egg the other day and since then I've have been going calcium crazy trying to prevent another disaster. I called Dr. Whittington and he said to increase the powder supplement by 25%, throw in some oyster shells, and add extra dark leafy greens to her diet. She is regular again but I'm taking no chances of her getting EYP again, that was just too hard on everybody. :p
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