Hardware cloth mesh size

South Jersey
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The cheapest way to prevent diggers is setting rows of 12" cinderblock's in a trench before you build your coop instead of using hardware cloth .I strongly advise you use 1/2" hardware cloth on your runs to keep out snakes and weasels.The last thing I want is a snake in my chicken house.
Ive wrapped the bottom 2' with hardware cloth, including going down and out 6" around the perimeter of the run then switch he'd over to the larger fencing.
Im jumping on to this post and wondering.. Is 1/4" even better than 1/2" ? Thanks!

It depends. What is the wire gauge and what are you trying to exclude? Most 1/4" HWC is 23 ga and 1/2" is... 19 ga, I think, so 1/4" is a thinner weaker wire. However if you're primarily excluding small mice and small snakes, 1/4" may be necessary to keep them out.

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