Harnessing Chicken Power


I read the title "Harnessing Chicken Power" and then just looked at the pics (which looks like power cords coming from the back of the chicken) and thought:

"THEY'VE DONE IT... COLD FUSION FROM A CHICKEN!! We'll be able to power all our cities by just plugging into our hens!"
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Lol. Cold fusion... Anyway, I hope this isn't off topic, but I'm trying to train my 8 chickens (one at a time of course) to follow me around when they're on one of those vet leashes (the ones where you loop around the pet), but I do not have a good system going. Does anyone have a system that worked for them that I can use?
I had a container with his fav food and he followed it because, every 2 steps, i gave him a bite. I gradually made the treats higher and and farther apart.

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