Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

oh and remember how I said she went back into the box that wasn't her fav but was of 2-3 other girls. Well yup the one I said I thought would be ok with it is in there laying right now and the one I said would throw a fit...... well yup she has been in and out of the coop for the past 15 min and is SCREAMING because the other one is in that nest box. I can hear her from in the house she is screaming so much! LOL She has gotten better since she used to do this if anyone was in ANY of the boxes when she had to lay because she didn't want anyone in there. haahaa!
lmao SCANDAL! DRAMA! INTRIGUE! That Bitty Stole my BOX!
I pulled an early quitter from my easter hatch. Looks like 4 infertile, 1 quitter so far, day 6 I think. Have had a few oops with the humidity drip, valve got knocked once and flooded it, maybe day on 7. And again last night humidity spiked to 65. Drained and left to dry out. We've had a Lot of rain lately.
Broody is still going strong. Though currently battling Northern Fowl Mites in her tiny coop. Will see if I can get them under control before hatch day.
I pulled an early quitter from my easter hatch. Looks like 4 infertile, 1 quitter so far, day 6 I think. Have had a few oops with the humidity drip, valve got knocked once and flooded it, maybe day on 7. And again last night humidity spiked to 65. Drained and left to dry out. We've had a Lot of rain lately.
Broody is still going strong. Though currently battling Northern Fowl Mites in her tiny coop. Will see if I can get them under control before hatch day.
so 17 left in the bator? And poor mama! They must be drivin her nuts
Yeah, it can be hard sometimes, for me anyway, to find that perfect balance between caring for/worrying about my animals. I grew up in a city, and now I have between 50-100 animals in my care at any given time and for a while it was literally keeping me up at night because I really care about their quality of life. The strategy I try to implement is to be ALWAYS observing, RARELY intervening. My thoughts are if i observe behaviors/patterns constantly I can set my animal systems up in a way that requires very little from me on the day to day for the animals to flourish.

Anyway sorry about the tangent. Animal keeping has been the most rewarding journey of my life!
Ya I haven't done much in the way of intervening at all, but I do watch and worry a lot. Lol. But I grew up raising all types of animals with breeding and showing. Including chickens. And cats, rabbits,had guinea pigs, hamsters etc. So sure that helps.
The strategy I try to implement is to be ALWAYS observing, RARELY intervening. My thoughts are if i observe behaviors/patterns constantly I can set my animal systems up in a way that requires very little from me on the day to day for the animals to flourish.
Excellent advice!
Makes things easier in the long run, and greatly reduces panic from misuderstanding.

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