Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!


Yorkshire Coop

Kindness costs nothing ..
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Aug 16, 2014
UK 🇬🇧
My Coop
My Coop
A little intro into the adventures of Charlie and Harry horse. Charlie is my son and has just turned 14 on December 29th. Harry horse is 19 years young. They are both the most special parts of my life. Charlie enjoys country sports and is really coming along with his clay shooting. He's enjoying it very much at the moment. He also likes helping with the animals and gaming.
I've had Harry horse for 12 years now so Charlie has pretty much grown up with him. Harry is an ex racer who has a heart of gold. A little quirky at times but all the same he is safe and sensible. He's brought me many hours of joy and happiness over the years and I hope he will for more to come.







Thanks Debby! I sure will pass your message on to Charlie.
I've got a couple of vids to add with Charlie riding Harry, hoping to get them on today if YouTube will play ball :/

I sure do hope he has lots of wonderful memories of all our animals. Also that caring for them has made him a better person. I believe animals are a great teacher for children.
Thanks Debby! I sure will pass your message on to Charlie.
I've got a couple of vids to add with Charlie riding Harry, hoping to get them on today if YouTube will play ball

I sure do hope he has lots of wonderful memories of all our animals. Also that caring for them has made him a better person. I believe animals are a great teacher for children.

Absolutely! One important thing they learn is compassion and another is responsibility. Good lessons.

Looking forward to the other videos!
Nice, very nice indeed! I agree that growing up with critters is good for children.


It sure is good for them. They have helped Charlie so much. Some things he finds quite difficult as he is dyslexic and has dyspraxia. He tends to go at things like a bull in a china shop. Keeping and helping with animals has made him have to think before he does anything. This inturn has helped him with everyday things in life as in just taking a second to think before he does.

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