Has anyone been able to fix thin shell problems?


Jun 7, 2020
Has anyone ever been successful with treating thin shells? I’ve found lots of people asking but haven’t seen anyone finding a solution.

I have 2 hens that started laying thin, brittle shells or no shell at times. They used to have very strong shells. I have no idea what’s going on.

I have them on high protein layer feed, have dewormed them with ivermectin, sprayed them and the coop with Elector PSP.

They have always had oyster shell available and crushed egg shells.

I do not feed snacks, but they are outside during the day, so they eat grass and bugs.

I feed them a bowl of fermented feed morning and evening, always have since they were chicks. They also have layer feed available at all times in a feeder.
they are barely over 2 years old.

I’ve been feeding them scrambled egg with calcium/D3 tablet that has been dissolved in water and mixed into the scrambled eggs. This helps but it’s still a problem, somedays more than others.

Their feed has never showed any signs of spoilage.

I just have no idea what else to do.
I lock mine in and control their diet completely when troubleshooting issues like this. Having said that, I culled one a few weeks back that was having egg issues (broken yolk in bedding every single day for almost six weeks) I tried feeding antacids, vitamins, different oyster shell, etc. They were locked up the entire time just so I could control all the variables.

Good luck sorting it out. I feel your pain.
I lock mine in and control their diet completely when troubleshooting issues like this. Having said that, I culled one a few weeks back that was having egg issues (broken yolk in bedding every single day for almost six weeks) I tried feeding antacids, vitamins, different oyster shell, etc. They were locked up the entire time just so I could control all the variables.

Good luck sorting it out. I feel your pain.
Sadly, I am having to consider culling. It’s heartbreaking. Thank you for replyin.
That does seem odd because you are really doing a lot to ensure they're getting enough calcium.
Once I added a container of oyster shell to their pen, my ducks started laying nice hard shells after a couple weeks.

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