Has anyone ever grown their potatoes in old tires?


11 Years
May 15, 2008
Planet Earth
I'm not sure where to post my garden related topics, do tell if it's in the wrong place. So, I have 3 used tires sitting here and have heard of people growing their potatoes in these things. Anyone on here ever used this method? What happened to my fourth tire you ask? It became a tire swing.
The 3 remaining ones I would like to utilize in my yard as well somehow.
Yes I JUST read about this while doing some research on Google. I need to find out what's toxic in a tire. Lillies what a fabulous idea. Only I'm trying to utilize my teeny weenie space for foods.
Still, great idea. Maybe i can turn one upright and plant a little something in the bottom. Oooohhhh that would save alot of space AND make use of an old tire. Thanks a million for the idea
I'll just turn it upright if I have to and plant me some flowers.
I have seen people around here grow things like squash with that setup but never potatoes. Potatoes don;t run so they pretty much stay in the place that you put them.
The purpose of planting potatos in tires is that if you stack 2 or 3 tires, when the potatos are ready to harvest you can just knock the tires over to get to the tubers instead of digging them up.
Yes, and apparently when the plant gets about 6inches tall, you put another tire on top of it and kind of put more soil on top of that and add more soil etc. Then just keep repeating this because that's how it makes a bigger yield. From what I'm reading anyways. Would be neat to see if anyone on here has done this though. I'm trying to find whatever I can about the tires being toxic for food growing before I attempt something like this.
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Yes, and apparently when the plant gets about 6inches tall, you put another tire on top of it and kind of put more soil on top of that and add more soil etc. Then just keep repeating this because that's how it makes a bigger yield. From what I'm reading anyways. Would be neat to see if anyone on here has done this though. I'm trying to find whatever I can about the tires being toxic for food growing before I attempt something like this.

Interesting I did not know that. We just plant ours together and get good yields but if that works I would definitly do it to save space.
I tried it this year and had no luck.Everybody told me that it would maybe I done it wrong dontno. I will try again next year.
I'm not sure about the toxic problem but the method works great. I use concrete extensions to plant my potatoes They are 24" across and varying heights from about 16" to maybe 24". These are things like you use for septic tank extensions or fire rings. I start with about 8 inches of soil in the bottom and add soil and/or wood chips as the potatoes grow. At the end of the season you just lift the extension and the potatoes are there...no digging.

5 gallon buckets with some holes for drainage work great too.

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