Hatch #2 day 6 candling report


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
I have in my bator... 10 silkie eggs, 8 frizzle, and 13 cuckoo marans. All shipped.

Of the frizzles, I see veins in 4.

Marans... can't tell nothing yet, eggs too dark.

Silkies... 9 of 10 have veins, and the 10th is real pourous so I can't tell that one for sure!!

I didnt post this when it happened as I was embarassed and didnt want the people I got the eggs from to know I "killed" them on the first day, but the night of day 0, my temp spiked to almost 105.

So I was thrilled to see that I have at least 13 growing chicks, and and I'm sure some are growing in the maran eggs as well. Whew, thought I really messed up.


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