Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

We bought eggs locally. Day 21 by my count was Sunday but first hatch actually started Monday. (Hoping to get a candler soon; no one around here has any and my good flashlight is a bar shaped light.

Out of 12 orpington eggs 3 hatched. Checked the others. NO chick. Not great fertility, but we did get 100% hatch on the fertile orps.

Not as good on the Blue Americanas. Out of 12 eggs we got four chicks and 3 fully developed, but dead in the egg chicks. Others weren't chicks.

A friend gave our daughter 11 eggs a couple of days after we set the others so those should begin pipping anytime if they are any good.

Anybody know why chicks develop, but don't hatch? One had a pip hole where the shell was raised up on one side. The other two never broke the shell. Wonder if there is something we might could change that would help with next hatch.

Any suggestions/opinions/experience, etc. appreciated!

Trying again this week for a candler! We set ano hatch last wk and have eggs waiting for this incubator. I hope I can find one!

My thoughts on developing fully but not hatching is that the chick wouln't have been strong enough to survive if it couldn't hatch. Having said that, emotions will get to me sometimes and I might flip a piece of shell away from the pip or slit the membrane if one is alive and I hear it struggling after many hours. Sometimes that is all it needs-the air to keep it going:) I plan to get another incubator just for closed heat. When chicks hatch and others have pipped the more active chicks roll the 'pippers' and the first time I lost a chick due to having been rolled and trying to reposition itself I knew what had happened to it. Anyone else do it that way?
Woke up to 4 russian orloffs and 1 rhode island red chick in bator! Russian orloffs are so much more rambunctious than rir chicks. 8 more r.o. eggs with 3 showing no signs and 5 more rir eggs due to hatch any time now.
We have 4 hatched, 1 almost hatched, and 2 more pips!!! We started with 11 fertile shipped eggs. So very happy!!
But... They are supposed to be Silkies, and they don't look Silkie to me. lol
I just got home and two of my Pogirls have hatched!
The last Pogirl and one of my Silkied OEGBs are pipped also! That just leaves my Silkie and the other OEGB

Pic? ^.^

Update: The last Pogirl zipped!
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