Hatch Along 4th of March?

Pips already? Your bator must have been running a little warm.

Mine are all in lock down now.

Started with 12 White Leghorn and 12 RIR.

4 Infertile RIR, 1 RIR day 10 quitter and 2 WL day 5 quitters.

That leaves me with 7 RIR and 10 WL going into lock down.

17 out of 24 seems pretty good for shipped eggs.
it said on my eggs i put them on the 9th :s i must of mucked up but oh well but i still do hatch along because i got a broody due to hatch aswell :)
11 hatched So far out of 20 - the 1 egg werent alive :O - and there is like another 4 pipped i hope this is a good hatch rate

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