Hatch-Along - Eggs set in November, due December, anyone?

Is this accurate? I hope so because if it is I have mostly hens :)

The wing thing like that has been pretty accurate for me and I have been keeping really close track when I sex them, The wings with 2 lengths got a string on their legs and we keep track of them just to see how right we were. Out of about 250 birds i was wrong about 9 times. Yes I hatched that many last year, my home made incubator holds close to 300 eggs but we had smaller hatches then that. I am for sure sticking with the wing thing. One length means boy 2 means girl.

On anther note my eggs started to hatch late last night I have 3 in the brooder and 2 in the incubator that are still wet and several more peeps. YAY!!!
Garrisonkidsduo pics pics pics??
my internet was goofy yesterday will post wing and update pics in a little, bit,,,I still think Hope is so pretty, course Candyman I love your momma hen she is so pretty and what about your updated pics.
Garrisonkidsduo2 congrats and we need pics. we are very nosy peeps here, we need proof
Here are my updated chick pics, and I can't wait to incubate more eggs, but I have to get some first, my hen I guess has stopped laying for the winter, these must have been her last eggs, talk about lucky I got these with Buffy and my late roo,

Different chicks wings pictured than the last one

dinner is so good fell asleep in the feeder

ok you can say all of these babies are 4 days old and look at Origami's wings,

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