Hatch-Along - Eggs set in November, due December, anyone?

Kat! They are so cute and fluffy!! :DDD

I made a new incubator!!! I will explain tomorrow (or I guess later today since it's just about one in the morning. LOL You know you're obsessed to this site when you are on it at midnight!!!

Hope is almost two weeks old now! Her tail fathers are coming in nicely!
Candyman needs to post pics of his chickies soon! :DD
My babies hatched yesterday!!

Mostly whites with spots (paints?) and black (greys?) but there is one little silver one. Blue I think. I have no idea where it came from because I have a gray hen, gray rooster and a paint hen.

The silver/blue one. Very cute.

The little silver one is on the bottom of the photo. Some greyish chipmonks in there too! Only one came our with white skin. They all have 5 teensy tiny toes!

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