Hatch-Along - Eggs set in November, due December, anyone?

Just Candled my 12 eggs on day 7.

All four bantam wyandotte are clear (There's one bird not doing it's job there!!!) I am a bit disapointed but hey...
One belgian quail anterp that looks fine and the other that looks like a blood ring.
And finaly, 3 silkie out of 6 seem fine. The other: 1 clear and two blood ring.

Well i guess something went wrong at the beginning of the incubation..... But since this is my first, I'll be more than happy if I get 4 heatlhy chicks out of it!

It is winter here in Quebec (minus 20C - below 0F) ans so I was guessing that fertily and hatch rate would be lower than usual...

I kept all the 12 eggs in the incubator and will recheck on day 10... None of them smelled bad (yet)....

Can't wait for dec 15th!!! XMas will be early this year!
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3D mine were very little too on the 7th day candling, and yes I too think that they will hatch on different days, and do one more thing, change their locations inside the incubator, maybe they are experiencing different temperatures in different locations, if you know what I mean....
Hi Poule de luxe,

Be careful when handling your eggs, I heard that if they are no good and left in the bator how long not sure, but anyway I heard they can explode and that is something you don't want because of the smell and mess.
Hi Poule de luxe,

Be careful when handling your eggs, I heard that if they are no good and left in the bator how long not sure, but anyway I heard they can explode and that is something you don't want because of the smell and mess.

I tough I might leave them in the incubator until day 10 since they don't smell yet and since I am new at candeling. But thanks for the advice.... I wont leave them longer than necessary if they do not show signs at day 10.
poule de luxe they say that bad one don't explode even till day 21.... but yeah to be on the safe side, day 10-12 should be max in my opinion, and yes they would smell much before they explode.

Easter eggers Welcome aboard!!! All of us here are very excited, many have their first incubation, me too and I am too much exited!!!
Did my 10th day today...1 more had a blood ring & a detached air cell

the other 14 are all happy embryos! They are all moving around a lot...!
11 days to go!

The excitement is killing me
Oh yes! and a question for the eggsperienced
I have one Marans egg which I didn't realize has a crack at the top you can't see unless you candle...probably because its such a dark egg...
but the embryo is developing normally.
Is it ok to leave it in there? I've just heard stories about bacteria but I'd hate to kill a healthy little embryo
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Snowpetals, keep it for now! Hopefully the crack does not affect it! I am a newbie though, so... yeah, don't rely on my opinion. I would leave it in there though. :3
Katsdar, what is a staggered hatch? And what do you mean by "your joy will last twice as long."? I am so excited to see everyone's pictures of their baby chicks!!!
Best. Christmas. present. ever. :D Easter Eggers, yours are due on the "end of the world," so you might not even be able to watch them hatch if everyone's dead. XDD Oh, and I forgot to mention, Snowpetals, I have a couple eggs that have fine hairline cracks in them, but I am keeping them in there for now, because I can see the babies inside of them growing.

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