Hatch-Along - Eggs set in November, due December, anyone?

I set mine yesterday(22 of them) , late afternoon as well. I have mine in a LG still air, only I'm turning mine. It will be cool to see them hatching at the same time :)
Yes it will! I'm attempting a CPU fan install in the still air incubator... I found a Rheostat at radio shack that should slow down the voltage and ultimately make the fan speed adjustable... I hope it works out because my understanding is it could make our hatch rates higher... hindsight says We should have installed this prior to setting the eggs :)...but, ah well =)
OOOH, I'll join!! I put my 17 eggs in the incubator on Sunday, so they will be about ready when yours are. December 15, to be exact! It will be a Christmas/birthday present for me! I am excited too, because this is the first try for me, too! (Technically it's not my first try, for I have tried before and failed, but this time I think I've got it down, pat!) My eggs are a mix of production reds (or stars, or red sex links) and white leghorn. A good thing to go by is to control the amount of times you candle them, because no matter how many times you check on them, they will either be good or bad. And the more times you candle them, the more damage it does to the growing embryo inside. This is going to be difficult to me, because I am just so excited and curious! My incubator is home made, and is actually a lot like yours, with the water bottle for better controlled temperature and everything! (I think I saw that on a Youtube video, actually.) It is made from a styrafoam cooler with holes poked in the side and a heat light.
Here it is:

There is a teddy bear on top to hold the blanket in place.

The heat lamp in the back, and a wishbone and chicken feather in the top for good luck! :D

A peek inside my incubator. There are water reservoirs and the thermometer is on top of one.

The incubator without the blankets and teddy bear.

You can see the hygrometer on the ground in this picture. Some of the (light brown) eggs have poop on them :3
I am excited because I think this incubator just might work, and I felt like I had to show it to somebody (s). :D I checked on an egg just a couple seconds ago, and I saw a pronounced blob of matter floating inside :eek: I hope ALL of them are like that! :3
Somehow the wishbone just doesn't seem right, kinda like a rabbits foot on top of a rabbit cage. lol
Haha, lol I guess you're right. Why not, eh? xD
It's from a turkey though, so it's not quite the same... lol
I like your story about your chickens, Kat. It's cool because the eggs have a sentimental meaning, and that if your eggs hatch, it will be like your rooster is back in the form of the little babies. So cute! :3
Yes it will! I'm attempting a CPU fan install in the still air incubator... I found a Rheostat at radio shack that should slow down the voltage and ultimately make the fan speed adjustable... I hope it works out because my understanding is it could make our hatch rates higher... hindsight says We should have installed this prior to setting the eggs :)...but, ah well =)
Cool, It's always good to experiment.. Can't wait to see how it goes. Hope you can post some pics. I got this incubator used on CL. It's the only one I could find. I'm just playing around with it. I'm sure it will only take one hatch to become addicted lol. I'm already saving up for a hovabator ;)
Did my first candling today...only 6 of the 21 weren't showing any development. The rest have dime sized little bebe's forming!!
If I get all 15 to hatch I'll be a happy chicken mama
HI 3D, and Chicknlove,
Sorry I missed your post, thanks, and I wonder what Buff Orps and RIR will look like, the buff is my avatar. Chicknlove I'm a little afraid to ask about the microwave.

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