Hatch-Along - Setting eggs on 2/8/13 Anyone want to join me?

No idea on the trial, I call this afternoon to confirm. Lucky me-district court, and hour drive to get there. At least I'm not hearing about pending child cases like last year.

Got all set for lockdown last night. 15 strong ones and 2 questionable. Air cells still have me wondering but it will be what it is


Good luck to all of us and the fluffy butts to come!
My air cells look about the same, I've stopped adding humidity and I lock down on Weds. I'll take it way up then. Hope
you have a great hatch.
Lock down tuesday for me, only 4 of my first batch hve made it this far, wish me luck. 6 more to lock down friday. Good luck every one.
You're a day ahead of me, I've got 12 or 13 BTDT and I'm not wanting to experience it again.
Mine are all hatched.
I set them on the 3rd of Feb.
I just took them out of the 'bator and put them in their temp brooder to watch them for a week before they go outside to the garden shed brooder.
I still have two in the 'bator that I helped out of the shell this afternoon. They're still drying off.

I have 6 barnyard mixes (BCM roo x Black Australorp or Barred Rock hen), 8 Silkies, and 3 Light Sussex chicks.
Here they are exploring their new-found freedom.

Candled again this evening, 21 out of 21 still doing well (removed two on the first candling).. Lockdown on the 28th..

Hatch is scheduled to coincide with my delivery of 75 broilers.

Things are about to get busy around here.
Mine are all hatched.
I set them on the 3rd of Feb.
I just took them out of the 'bator and put them in their temp brooder to watch them for a week before they go outside to the garden shed brooder.
I still have two in the 'bator that I helped out of the shell this afternoon. They're still drying off.

I have 6 barnyard mixes (BCM roo x Black Australorp or Barred Rock hen), 8 Silkies, and 3 Light Sussex chicks.
Here they are exploring their new-found freedom.

Yay , congrats on your fuzzy butts.
Candled again this evening, 21 out of 21 still doing well (removed two on the first candling).. Lockdown on the 28th..

Hatch is scheduled to coincide with my delivery of 75 broilers.

Things are about to get busy around here.
I lock down one day before you, maybe our fuzzy butts will share a birthday!!
I broke down and candled my two questionable eggs, movement in both, sure glad I left them. No rocking but I keep checking. I'm hoping for some pipping tomorrow.

How's everyone else doing? Sending good hatch vibes out to all.
Moved my 5 peeps to the brooder since egg 6 doesn't have a pip yet. It's only day 20 for the 6th egg...I'm pretty sure it's OK so far...it got bumped a couple times but no one rolled it. Humidity & temps went up again to the right levels quickly after opening the hatcher. So I just have to worry about the room getting warmer: i.e. how much will it change the temps in the hatcher & incubator....? Going to get raw milk/yogurt/kefir and make the babies some baby chick food later :)
I broke down and candled my two questionable eggs, movement in both, sure glad I left them. No rocking but I keep checking. I'm hoping for some pipping tomorrow.

How's everyone else doing? Sending good hatch vibes out to all.
Glad you posted that, I have a couple that I just can't tell if there is anything in there, the eggs are too dark. gonna leave them.
Moved my 5 peeps to the brooder since egg 6 doesn't have a pip yet. It's only day 20 for the 6th egg...I'm pretty sure it's OK so far...it got bumped a couple times but no one rolled it. Humidity & temps went up again to the right levels quickly after opening the hatcher. So I just have to worry about the room getting warmer: i.e. how much will it change the temps in the hatcher & incubator....? Going to get raw milk/yogurt/kefir and make the babies some baby chick food later :)
OH lucky babies!!
I figure this late in the game, especially a dark egg deserves a chance. Hope the "dark" is a baby waiting to get out, better than one with alot of light areas.

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