Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

We have a peep-peep-peeping coming from the incubator this morning! I took out the egg turner late Wednesday night and have been turning by hand- I have 12 other eggs in the bator that I set a week later. I don't have a hygrometer, but have been trying to keep water in the bottom of it - and I've had a hard time candling since the shells are so dark on some of them. I'm worried with our recent cold snap that they may have gotten too dry- Can anyone tell me what I should expect with a hatch the first time around? My 6y/o is about to jump out of his skin listening to the chicks and waiting for someone to pop out of their shell! I have no sign of pips or cracks that I can see and after this first go-round kicking my butt with temperature fluctuations (It was around 70F when I set them and dropped to 18F earlier this week) and would hate for them to have made it this far only to die in the shell?

You don't want to turn the eggs after day 18. What to expect is external piping (a small hole in egg) then they rest before making the hole larger, may rest again, then they zip the shell around before pushing themselves out.
Thanks Egghead Jr, but I was wondering about turning the 12 eggs I have in there that aren't due to hatch until next week. Will they be ok while the chicks from this weekends hatch dry for a few days?
Yesterday was day 21 for me. Out of 17 eggs in lockdown, 14 hatched yesterday! 1 died while zipping, but I'm still very happy about the results. The last chick hatched yesterday evening, and I moved all dry chicks to the brooder this morning. Pictures coming soon. So I thought my hatch was all wrapped up....BUT...

I candled and float tested the 2 remaining eggs, which looked dead. I placed them on the counter in the kitchen to be eggtopsied later, and I unplugged the incubator. An hour later I was making coffee, and I heard CHIRPING coming from one of the eggs. Oh no!!! I couldn't tell which one! I grabbed both eggs, put them back in the bator, poured in some warm water, and turned it back on! Thank goodness the Brinsea gets the temp up in 2 minutes. I can still hear the egg chirping. I have no idea if it will ever pip. I'm an idiot.

I had a total of 9 basque eggs shipped-so far 7 hatched, 1 pipping and nothing yet on the last one. They pretty much all hatched throughout the night and this morning. I had 1 that was zipped yesterday evening, the wife and I went to dinner and a movie(long overdue) while grandma babysat. When we got back in after midnight , the zipped egg made no progress(to my surprise) . This morning, still no progress, so I went ahead and decided to give it a helping hand-the membrane was dried onto its skin so tight I was worried I'd rip its skin. The chick is fine-just has a big chunk of "saran wrap" looking membrane stuck solidly on it's back I am amazed at the size differences in thesebasque chicks so far-must be from all different parents/nests. My 7(out of 9) wyandottes , are 2 days behind the basque, absolutely nothing yet out of these
. It has been a real joy to follow this thread and share everyone's hatch thus far! Let the games continue!!
My apologies for multiple post, but this time I have a question. Today is day 21 for 3 of my eggs and 1/3 has hatched. I also have 3 eggs at day 20 and one at day 19. I hear or see nothing...I'm starting to worry. Also, my one chick is literally rolling the unhatched eggs all over...is that ok?
I have a pip!!

last night when I went to bed I had a peek in and thought I saw a teeny tiny bit of shell on the liner but it was on a side I couldn't see. So this am I see more bits of shell, yay!

CamiLynn, I wouldn't start to worry just yet. If I am very sure I have no other pips in the incubator and the new chick is dry, I will quickly scoop him out, popping a hot waschloth in at the same time. Congrats tho!!
Yesterday was day 21 for me. Out of 17 eggs in lockdown, 14 hatched yesterday! 1 died while zipping, but I'm still very happy about the results. The last chick hatched yesterday evening, and I moved all dry chicks to the brooder this morning. Pictures coming soon. So I thought my hatch was all wrapped up....BUT...

I candled and float tested the 2 remaining eggs, which looked dead. I placed them on the counter in the kitchen to be eggtopsied later, and I unplugged the incubator. An hour later I was making coffee, and I heard CHIRPING coming from one of the eggs. Oh no!!! I couldn't tell which one! I grabbed both eggs, put them back in the bator, poured in some warm water, and turned it back on! Thank goodness the Brinsea gets the temp up in 2 minutes. I can still hear the egg chirping. I have no idea if it will ever pip. I'm an idiot.

I'm so glad you heard it and were able to get it back into the bator!!!! Congrats on the rest and hope the 'surprise' does well!

I had a total of 9 basque eggs shipped-so far 7 hatched, 1 pipping and nothing yet on the last one. They pretty much all hatched throughout the night and this morning. I had 1 that was zipped yesterday evening, the wife and I went to dinner and a movie(long overdue) while grandma babysat. When we got back in after midnight , the zipped egg made no progress(to my surprise) . This morning, still no progress, so I went ahead and decided to give it a helping hand-the membrane was dried onto its skin so tight I was worried I'd rip its skin. The chick is fine-just has a big chunk of "saran wrap" looking membrane stuck solidly on it's back I am amazed at the size differences in thesebasque chicks so far-must be from all different parents/nests. My 7(out of 9) wyandottes , are 2 days behind the basque, absolutely nothing yet out of these
. It has been a real joy to follow this thread and share everyone's hatch thus far! Let the games continue!!
Way to go! Can you get a pick of the chick with his back covered, and maybe another as it comes off? I'd be interested in seeing if it effects him over the next day or two. And.... pics??????? come on! We need pics!!!

He/she is bowling with all his unhatched brothers or sisters! So cute I just want to squeeze it!
Just think of her now being the 'drill sargeant'....she's telling the others to hurry up!
I can see three chicks! Well, three feet of chicks. The one tray I can see doesn't seem to be doing anything. :(
waiting for pics!! Can you get a camera up over the shelf edge? LOL...

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