HATCH COMPLETE! I have 15 beautiful Delaware chicks.

i am a little nervous about the humidity. it's hanging at about 35% now. i really need to get it up a little. everything i read suggests a different level.
talk about confused. uggggh.

see if i can find a mini-mag flashlight around here somewhere....
Try to get it up around 40%. And everyone's setups are different, so what works for someone else may not work for you. That's one of the joys (she says with sarcasm) of learning to incubate eggs. You'll figure out what's the best settings for your environment after a couple of incubations. IMO, as long as your humidity doesn't drop below 30%, they'll be fine. I'm sure others will tell you differently, but just go with your gut, girl!
You're probably right...may be a little too early. Sorry about enticing you to candle them. I'm as excited for you as you are!
you have to monitor the humidity
oops who knew i just kept water in the thing and on day twenty one i had lots and lots of babies so oops .
Sorry to jump in on this....but....Miss_Jayne's eggs went in on Saturday morning. I thought maybe she could see something tonight, since the Delahorn eggs are white, but I guess I was wrong. Oops!
You can jump in anytime Sheeleyb, If they went in on Saturday I'm thinking by tomorrow she should be able to see something! AAhh That isn't a oops, it wont' affect them, Heck I candle mine just about every night, from 3 days until I can only see a black blob!.. You figure the hen gets off the nest almost every day, to eat and do her daily duty! They are tuffer then people lead you to believe!
Well you and I are definitely on the same page when it comes to incubating! I always think of how the hen handles her own eggs. They certainly don't have a humidity gauge or a thermometer up their behinds to keep things "within range", now do they?

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