HATCH COMPLETE! I have 15 beautiful Delaware chicks.

MissJayne & Shelley,
When thos Delahorns hatch out, (i marked all mine with a green marker poor things all have green heads) look for some black on them, everyone one of mine has a tinge of black, either on their back or head, the pure one I had gotten from NC had a it was very noticable, any how I assumed it must have been crossed with something else, and was not a pure leghorn, and that was pretty much the response I got on the board!, well there is such a thing as a California White Leghorn, and I do believe they cross this bird with a Grey Leghorn, and you get a white bird with black spots!, (if i have this correct, I have to find the site again to be sure) but if they have this line in their jeans this is where the Black dots come in to play! So this is just a heads up, don't be alarmed. I did notice all mine had a tinge of black also.


And this is the picture of the one I hatched!

OH my word, csibb!
Those chicks are soooo cute! I didn't think I could get any more excited, but I am!
Just 10 days to go! I'm going to candle again on Saturday. I candled them on Monday, and I removed the 2 cracked Dellie eggs...they had expired. But all 21 that are left looked great at that time.
some of mine are showing veins.

i have some from Lockedhearts in too, but today, one crushed in my fingers. it must've been really thin.

so far, though so good....

those are still very good results, Shelley! so cool!
Actually no, mahonri, it was a single yolker. It was 1 of the 2 that were cracked and I removed them on Monday. It was just a reaallly big egg. The shell on it was pretty thin, and had some wrinkling, so maybe it was from a young hen? I think csibb told me that was a possibility.

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