hatchers hatcherers..... who's expecting peeps on septembre 24th or so... :)

They have a leg that sticks out side ways and it never comes good they never walk properly the other leg ends up giving up from taking all the weight will post pic later

Two hatched with this problem, one of the chicks it was just one leg, the other it was both, got the bandaid treatment and will see if that helps..

All in all we got 19 chicks, somewhere I thought I had said 20 eggs made it to lockdown...but that cant be right because Ive got 4 unhatched eggs in the bator :)....Lets see, 19 chicks...4 eggs....yeah, 23 eggs made it to lockdown... Not unhappy at all about those results, got a box full of barnyard mutts ready to go out to their brooder as soon as the four that just hatched in the last couple hours dry off, then I can check those other four eggs...Not giving up unless I know for sure, today is after all only day 22 :)
i hope this treatment works dont blame yourself my vet said it got nothing to do with temp its the way they grow in the egg i guess its like a bad breach human baby. it affects all hatches pure bred, xbred, backyard, comercial hatcheries even had one from broody hen once so the theory is temp or number of turns is the blame i personally believe needs to rethought. i trust my vets answer on it anyway because i would have none if it was temp my temps are spot on. i have more hatching as we speak yay a daytime hatch. congrads on your successful hatch thats great number you should get good amount of hens cant all be roos
i hope this treatment works dont blame yourself my vet said it got nothing to do with temp its the way they grow in the egg i guess its like a bad breach human baby. it affects all hatches pure bred, xbred, backyard, comercial hatcheries even had one from broody hen once so the theory is temp or number of turns is the blame i personally believe needs to rethought. i trust my vets answer on it anyway because i would have none if it was temp my temps are spot on. i have more hatching as we speak yay a daytime hatch. congrads on your successful hatch thats great number you should get good amount of hens cant all be roos

One seems to be better, but it only had one splayed leg, the other, well we shall see...To only have issues with two of them at this point I am very glad..

Oh and #21 just pipped :)
thats great about treatment on one sooo hoping it works the for double leg. Its going to be a challenge i never had one wit both legs. Are they getting around at all be careful they dont get walked on by the healthy ones not sure why but they will run over and step on a sick one its the strangest thing. i separate them with the youngst posible but because you got two they can keep each other company. my muscovy supermum had her eggs hatch today she always has heaps of healthy ducklings but i have to wait a day to count them she just dont get off the nest til the hatch is done. she not in great condition because she is always nesting and brooding so i make her take care of babies for 4 months to get her condition back if i dont she is on a nest again with in a fortnight of separation she totally obsessed more than any of my silkies.
The last chick hatched at around 5:30 this morn....yeah, its done...Did an eggtopsy on the three remaining eggs, two were fully formed but malpositioned, and the third was rotten, but all these cuties made it ok and are safe in there brooder..

Cool americanmom is it walking ok the last ones to hatch here are the ones with leg issues they are gorgeous. Is your pigeon ok majd I love those black chicks you got. I will post some pics of the ducklings today still don't know how many its a lot though
Cool americanmom is it walking ok the last ones to hatch here are the ones with leg issues they are gorgeous. Is your pigeon ok majd I love those black chicks you got. I will post some pics of the ducklings today still don't know how many its a lot though

No, neither of them are walking :( And it wasnt the last one to hatch, it was one that hatched in the middle of the night Fri/Sat There were six total that hatched that night and two of those had leg issues

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