Hatchery shipping?


6 Years
Feb 7, 2013
I want to order my new chicks from cackle hatchery. I have talked to them several times, without ordering anything. There customer service is great! But I'm afraid it's too cold this time if year. I live in southwestern Wyoming. Seems like a long cold trip for the chicks. Give me your opinions.
We're getting rather sad reports of shipping attempts in this cold winter weather. I'd seriously recommend being patient for a few more weeks. I know it is hard to wait, but those Post Office trucks are not heated. Too risky, really. It is just too hard to be excited over your box of chicks arriving, only to find most of them didn't survive the cold trip.
Just choose a hatchery closest to you, i got em from Meyer Cheap Chicks Hatchery which is in Ohio and I'm from Western NewYork. I recieved them in fall weather and they were fine. Anyway, Shanson 68 good luck with whatever you decide and as long as you give them proper care and show the chicks their waterers right away they should be fine with well care and packaging form the hatchery.
Alright, I ordered today, and they won't be shipping for a few weeks. I think it will be a little warmer by then. Thanks everyone for the advise.
That's good you go them ordered :) I know once the weather warms up it will be hard to get an order for the warmer spring window, so best to get them booked ahead of time.
I ordered my gals from cackle,got them yesterday,had one die on me but was due to her sisters were laying on her when they arrived,she just didnt recoop,bless her heart.The rest of the flock is doing wonderful and full of themselves.go ahead and order but like fred and others stated i would wait a couple weeks at least to ship them out.seems like alot of sad delivery stories on here recently :( best of luck to you
I Love Cackle! Not sure how cold it is on your route but here in Ny was in the 30's when I received my six chicks from Cackle on Wed.
Alot of people on super cold routes are receiving alot of losses so it might be a good idea to wait a few weeks?
All of my chicks are thriving well.
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