Hatchery vs. Local Feed Store

The feed store chicks are hatchery chicks. The only difference is the order minimum and whether they are sexed or not. Oh, and of course how fast you get them. I like the hatchery chicks I got. I might get some from the feed store. And I'll be hatching eggs this year. Don't be afraid to try it all!!
the biggest problem I have with hatcheries is that you have to order a certain amount of chicks, as for local feed store the minimum amount I can get was 6 whereas the hatchery the minimal amount was 15 all I wanted was six so I went to the local feed store.
I will go into breeding some healthy ones, not like factory breeding. Like, once a month maybe? I think meyers over breeds theyre hens...
My roosters and hens live together so everything is as natural as can be, we will be collecting eggs next month for the incubator unless someone decides to go broody.
Tractor Supply #1: Cornish and Straight Run Pullets (not joking) that's what they said
Tractor Supply #2: Cornish and Straight Run Brahma
Feed Store (Orschelns): getting in Friday, they have no idea what kind
Both tsc stores are getting more tomorrow

your orshlens employees are just worthless they release the info. i posted this before but i dont think you saw it

on the orschelns website it has the list of chicks they get. i dont see what hatchery they get them from. im sure they just get them from the closest hatchery , thats what i have herd in the past.
they have.

Cockoo Maran, Cornish Cross, Brown leghorn, Ameraucana,Bantam (just says bantam?), Barred Plymoth Rock, New Hampshire Red, White Plymoth Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Orphington, Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Jersey Giant, Salmon Favorolle!, Speckled Sussex, Wellsummers, and Polish Crested. Also they have an order form and you can order other breeds during peek season.

I saw your post, but I'm pretty sure they didn't get many of those breeds last year, most definitely the Faverolles and Sussex... But thanks :)
My Rhode Island Red is from orcelens and I got her when i was 5 and I'm 13 she's still laying eggs but also I got some hatching eggs from Meyer hatchery.com and 3 hatched just a little while ago 1 died 1 had a hairline crack and broke but I still have 2 in the incubator and 2 Rhode Island Red chicks next to me peeping like crazy I recamend getting chick from tractor supply or orcelens
Hope I'm not opening a can of worms here, because it's not my intention to start a controversy.

I tend to stay away from hatcheries because of the inhumane way they treat newly hatched male chicks. I made the mistake of viewing a video about chicken reproduction and it was really about how the hatcheries 'dispose' of males. I can't tell you how sick it made me. So, I will hatch my own or go to breeders to get my birds. When I get cockerels I will put an ad in Craigslist or the local farm/chicken groups online and I'll get someone who is interested in taking him. I haven't gotten to the point where I can harvest them (when older) myself.
I feel that at least I would have given them a good life with good food, fresh air and grass to run around in before they are dispatched to my frig!

I was a little worried about that too, so I asked McMurray what they do with the extra boys they didn't sell. They said they have a contract with their source to buy back any chicks not sold or kept. Most people with extra roosters raise them to feed their families, which I have no problems with. That's what chickens were domesticated for originally, and it's better to know where the meat comes from. I was willing to save a few if they did something as described in the videos like what you describe. Most who mistreat the chicks are big production companies that sell to egg distributors (like what is sold at grocery stores). Sadly, there are too many people unable to buy from more honorable companies, so they stay in business. I won't say that all hatcheries like McMurray or Meyer do it the same way, but I think putting them all in one lump and judging them all the same is unfair.

I had one cockerel that was supposed to have been a pullet. I tried to sell him, but then he attacked one of my kids. He went to my freezer before he could hurt some one.
I am a first timer so my criteria was lots of day old chicks in the breeds that I was looking for, and vaccinated for only Mareks. I ended up going 45 minutes away rather than local place. All the chicks came from Ideal and all looked VERY healthy. I got to pick out of around 50 of each breed. In order to get all 4 on the same day only made one breed change. I am at one week and VERY happy.
I have: 1 Buff Orp, 1 Blk Aust, 1 Ameracauna, and 1 Barred Rock HAVING A BLAST!
In terms of Roos I would be afraid to sell them here in fear they might end up as cock fighters..........

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