hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????

thank yall for the compliments. and i hope they will be ok the temps n humidity werent' off for long just 2.5 hours tops. i am down to 3 out of 11 eggs but those poor eggs have had a rough life so far. i am hoping these last 3 will make it and hatch. maybe my next hatch will go alot better. well actually it has to. can't get too much worse than this one...lol
Anyone have chicks? So antsy about this. Not hearing cheeps... Should I be nervous? I "set" the eggs on the 29th.

Had lots of movement at the last candling.
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no need to worry as of yet.... i have no cheeps either and mine are a day ahead of yours. i think i saw a lil movement earlier today tho but not sure. i am hoping to see or hear at least a little something tomorrow. i am all kinds of nervous too. i am starting to call it LOCKDOWN JITTERS lol.
I am praying for good results. We tried a broody with white-faced black Spanish last spring. Out of 13, she hatched 3. I really wanted to find a way to hatch what I wanted without a hen.

Can't fault her, though. We had a record cold snap and four of the chicks were completely developed, just couldn't break out of the egg. Four others didn't develop (eBay eggs).
Monita and anyone else following this thread...

What are you hatching? I have BR, sex link, Welsummers and RIRs. Sixteen eggs left.
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well good luck with your hatch and dont' forget to keep us updated and post pics when you get new babies

I have 3 out of 11 standard RIR x bbredOEGB mutt eggs due to hatch on 10/19 or 10/20
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OH, how cute is this??? My little one is 3, 4 in January, and loves to touch things
She got in trouble for touching the wood stive last night! Luckly, I was working on getting it started orshe would have gotten a good burn, we had a nice talk after that.

One time when my big one was 2 I took him to BJ's (Club Place, think Sam's Club). I rang up $300 worth of stuff at the self check out with a line behind me. I was just getting ready to swipe when the thing shut down. I look down and the boy had opened a door and hit he big RED button to shut the thing down. The people behind me in line we laughing but the kid who worked there was not happy, lol. Let's justy say, I have yet to go back and the boy will be 8 this Feb.
Laney, It's weird for me to see your name. It's my 3 yo's name.
Her name is Delaney but I call he Laney, Laney Buggie, Laney Lou Hou, etc., etc. It's a beautiful name
OK, I just got home from a wedding and I have
2 pip's.
Last time I had to help my 1st pip so we shall see what tomorrow brings. Good thing is they are in the right place
Thanks! I only use the name Laney on the net. It's a long story...but a bittersweet one.

My real name is Elaine. When I was little, like your daughter only one person in my life ever called me Laney. It was my great Uncle Jimmy. He was an alcoholic and everything that went with it, but he was a sweet drunk. I had a tough childhood with parents though always attentive to my physical needs had trouble reaching out to their children emotionally. So, my uncle was very special to me. The day he died when I was 12 was the last time anyone in my life ever called me Laney.

When I was 26, my first husband passed away. I was pregnant with my daughter and devastated beyond belief. This was 1995 and the internet was really just starting to be a place for people to "hang out". So, when I logged on to AOL, and found a support group for Widowed people to help me I decided I would be Laney. It was a name I found comfort in.

Now, in Uncle Jimmy's honor, I'm Laney when I'm online. A little bit of the little girl that he loved.


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