hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????

It's a tough call. Alot of people say never help. I have a really hard time keeping my hands out of the bator though
How are they doing today?
It's a tough call. Alot of people say never help. I have a really hard time keeping my hands out of the bator though
How are they doing today?

Still just the 2 have hatched. The first one on day 19, the second one yesterday. It's day 22. I am hearing muffled chirping from the 13 remaining eggs. I'll have to take out the two tomorrow for sure. The oldest one will want to eat soon. I figure if by tomorrow morning no pips then I'll candle and see what's up. At least I know there are some still chirping and alive.
I have not opened the bator since lockdown. There hasn't been any need to. The temps are steady, and the humidity has been perfect. Both the chicks that have hatched I watched and the membranes weren't sticking or dried out.

i am so antsy. i want to see some kind of sign that my eggs will hatch soon and nothing. i am starting to think that they won't make it. they were fine when i put them on lockdown but i figured i would see or hear something by now. i guess i am just stressed. UGH!!!!!!!!!
Me, too, Monita. I'm starting to think mine won't make it, either. No peeps or pips. If I do this again, I'm getting a different incubator.
well mine have had a rough life so far with my hen abandoning at 5 days then 4 days in a crude makeshift home made bator ( box with light towel and bowl of water) and then at 9 days finially into the LG. went from 11 to 3 and the 3 that made it to lockdown were fine.... moving and everything.

i dunno, i am going to wally world shopping. i gotta get away from the bator before i worry myself sick.

i'll check back in with yall when i get home.
Hang in there, guys! Chelsea - FWIW - I'm a huge proponent of not helping. IMO, if they cannot hatch on their own, there is a good reason. I know it sounds awful to lots of folks, but I took the "no help" stance a few years ago, and I feel my flocks are much stronger at a result. JMO, though!

BEST of luck with the rest of your hatches, all!
Just jumping in--I have 2 bantam hens, one EE and one japanese, both sitting on 2 clutches of eggs. They both went fully broody (is that how you say it?
) around 9/30-10/1.

I am sooo excited for my EE's eggs, as her main fling is my frizzle roo
Frizzled EE's, oh my!!!!!!

My japanese hen "belongs" to my OEGB roo, and I have 5 week old chicks from my other japanese hen and same OEGB roo and they are gorgeous tiny little things!

Both the silly girls are free-range, so one is in the backyard sitting under the central a/c concrete decking and one is in the wheat field near the barn in a big thicket of weeds
However both are fairly protected and we're lucky to have minimal predators. I've put the top half of a pet kennel over the hen in the field to protect her from the elements, but the other hen is in a fabulous spot and is doing really well. We won't even get into how long it took me to find them on their nests

I just cannot wait for these babies!

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