hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????

Sorry Monita

I only have 2. A third chick made it out, but doesn't seem to be thriving.


awww... thats horrible. i'm sorry to hear that. well i am gonna give the other 2 eggs a couple more days because i have had some temp fluctuations but if they havent' done anything by then i will toss them. least i got 1 out of the bunch.
Sorry your babies aren't coming out and thriving. I have 1 that is weak and I think it may have slipped tendons??? Not really sure what to make of it.
Morning, folks! Well...good afternoon I guess.

Sorry to hear some of y'all are having troubles with your hatches. It's SO heartbreaking, for sure.

Remember, though, that eggs incubated late in the season are not nearly as viable as eggs laid at toward the beginning of a hen's or pullet's lay cycle. That could be some of the problem. I actually prefer fall hatches, so that the juveniles are ready to lay in EARLY spring - I hate having to wait to summer time for eggs! But, hatch rates typically do go down. Birds just aren't as fertile at the end of the season, roos typically aren't breeding as much...just a whole lot going on physiologically with birds this time of year. So.....don't beat yourselves up if your hatch isn't what you expected!
Yeah, I didn't expect to be hatching any eggs. I just figured after Gandalf got killed it wouldn't hurt. The eggs weren't kept at optimal conditions. Some were even in the fridge. I did take those out, and let them sit at room temp for a couple days. All the eggs developed. They just didn't make it during the hatching phase.

Gandalf was about 7 months old also. We are glad to have at least two of his offspring, and I haven't given up on hatching by any means.

I've got a plan in place for the next batch, but they won't be Gandalf's eggs. They'll be some of Opa's eggs, and some of mine. The pea comb monster baby from you Wynette (
His name is Houdini) and Stevie ( The BCM from you).

I want more easter eggers, some welsummers ( Opa has a welsummer rooster, so eggs will be from him), and the blue orps. Maybe I put in some of the eggs from Cass' silkies too. I'm sure she'll like that.

Oh, GADS! Not the EVIL silkies!

Send me an updated pic of your "Wynette boys" when you have time! I'd LOVE to see them!
They just started free ranging this weekend. It's a trio, but the female ( Roxi) likes Houdini better.
I'll get a picture later this afternoon, when they come out of the pine trees. They hang inside the pines all day. Very smart

Yeah, silkies are evil!! I've noticed NONE of the adult chickens bother them. They chase around the Wynette boys, but leave the two silkies alone.


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