Hatching at 5800ft


geek dvm
11 Years
Mar 21, 2010
Does anyone have experience hatching at this elevation??? I have been hatching for roughly 6 months now, and have had very discouraging results. I am using a hovabator genesis 1588 with automatic turner. I have multiple calibrated hydrometers and thermometers. It is not an option to obtain eggs laid at this altitude for the varieties I'm interested in. Does anyone have actual experience in this environment?
The most info I found on BYC has been breed related. Some fast growing varieties don't do well. I've found very little searching the web either.
Thanks for the help! I'm not sure if there is a practical way to increase O2. From one source I read that eegs laid at lower altitudes lose water more quickly due to increased pore area. I have tried to increase humidity some, but have been afraid to get too aggressive. The majority of my unexpected losses seem to be at about day 19-20. The chicks are mostly developed and have some of their yolk absorbed but don't internally pip. It seems like this is the time of increased O2 demand.
Yes, supplemental O2 would likely help. Equipment, and cost could be a significant factor.
Ok the real issue is air pressure. The air is to spread out.

What if you take a container like a barrel that seals. Put the incubator down in it seal it up. Put two nipples on it. Run a hose from one to a aquarium pump an run another hose in to a bucket of water.

You could adjust the pressure by how far the hose was in the water. That would make a effective barometric chamber that could get you to below sea level if ya wanted.
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Rebel, WOW you obviously were awake in physics class unlike myself. I can almost envision that.

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