Hatching chickens for the first tim


In the Brooder
Jan 27, 2015
Hi everybody I'm new to backyard chickens I've been using the information on here for several weeks now I have a broody Easter egg or that started with 18 eggs for were not fertilized three of them were quitters we're down to 11 she sitting on seven of them and we have four in the incubator. Now the ones in the incubator I noticed were running it like 92' or 93' for like a week when I candled them yesterday they were still moving I have upped the temperature 100° humidity at 60 to 70% The eggs are a little late hatching I was just wondering if anybody else is had this problem and if my chickens will still hatch it's only four I'm sure the seven under her fine they should be hatching in the next couple days any information or advice would be awesome
and Welcome to BYC!

So glad you joined!!!! Personally I LOVE hatching with broody's. Here is a link that will help you with your hatching!
Don't forget to check out the learning center
or to ask questions!
Hi :welcome
Glad you could join the flock! With the temp being too low the hatch date could be delayed. Do you know what day you are on with these eggs. Here are some candling pics in this link for you to compare yours against this should give you an idea of how far along or how delayed they are https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=230

Wishing you the very best of luck with your eggs in the incubator and under your broody. Hope you enjoy BYC :frow
The ones under the broody hen are cheeping so will be piping later today we are guessing day 23 when she laid them she laid them in a cool spot so they were kind of cool the first couple days which delayed her hatching. I was so worried when I found out that the temperature was too low because I would like all 11 of them to hatch since they'll all be Easter Eggers thank you so much for the information
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One of the ones under my broody has broken the air sack I can't wait to see them I feel like an expectant parent I never thought I would get this excited about chickens but I am so excited
Okay one more question I think that my mother and I have what they call first time hatching stress the chicken I have a chick that his broken near sac and that was earlier early this morning and she still hadn't pipped so me and my mother jumped the gun and broke a hole in the very the big end of the egg not near any membranes will the chick still pip or do I need to put it in the incubator and watch it and eventually help it because it sounds like a healthy check it's chirping very loudly
I would leave it under the hen and let it hatch in its own. Letting nature take its course is always the best option. When they pip into the airsac they can be upto 24 hours before they make the external pip in the shell. They only externally pip when they need more oxygen. It can then take upto another 24 hours for them to hatch. Hatching can't and shouldnt be rushed helping helping too soon can cause more harm than good. If they hatch before they have absorbed the yolk and blood vessels that can bleed to death.
Try not to worry and let nature do its thing :hugs
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

I would leave the chick, for now. If it is healthy and strong, it should be able to hatch without any additional help. Good luck!

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