Hatching Delaware


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Saint Johns, AZ
So I am on Day 6 with my hatch of 13 Delawares. I candled them and only one so far has the spider veins. Others had the tiny black spot so I am going to give it a few more days and try again.

I have one egg that has a small crack but its not open and I tried to push on it gently and it didn't budge. Anyone have this before? Should I throw it out? I hate to do it if the little one is still going to grow.

I also have three Toulouse Eggs on day 4. I cannot wait for those guys to come!
Just to increase your odds with the cracked egg. Melt a little wax over the crack and seal it so you don't have a moisture loss issue late in the incubation.
Mine will be going in tonight. I wish us both good hatch!
Thanks! Same to you. I have bought chicks from Ideal, but this is my first time hatching them in an incubator myself. So I have decided I couldn't resist when I saw the eggs on eBay.

I am so impatient and I wish they would hatch right now. But, when I read other people's comments, they go through the same thing. Fingers crossed!!
Ok, so tonight I candled all 13 and 6 showed positive signs of growing. Most had the veining and about 2 had the small dark spot visible. The others I am not so sure about, and a few were close to consider positive but I am going to wait until day 14 before I throw any away. Even the one with the small crack made it to my positive list. I am going to take kstaven's advice and wax the crack over just to be sure. One thing that was odd was that one of the chicks was a good size inside and floating around. Could he have developed faster than the others?

The goose eggs are still too young to candle yet. Anyone know what age you can make a positive in goose eggs?
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