Hatching Easter Egger mix - How likely is it that they'll survive/not have the 'ear tuft' gene?


In the Brooder
May 20, 2015
My roo recently passed away, so I'm attempting to hatch a few of his chicks. One of them, however, is making me slightly concerned. The hen is a Easter Egger and the roo was a Dorking. The hen has ear tufts and a muff, and the roo didn't. I last candled the egg on day 12 and it seemed alright, but I know there's a chance that it could still die as a chick from it. If anyone knows much about the 'ear tuft' gene, that knowledge would be much appreciated! If it does pass away, it isn't the end of the world but I would really like it to hatch.

In case it helps, here are some pictures:

The hen:

The roo:

The egg:
Your hen does not have tufts. It has muffs and a beard. Only tufts have the lethal gene.

First of all,

Like Forgetful said, Araucanas have tufts, and the lethal gene only comes into play if you breed a tufted bird to a tufted bird. Hope your hatch goes well so you can have some cute half-Dorkings from your late Roo.
Your hen does not have tufts. It has muffs and a beard. Only tufts have the lethal gene.


First of all,

Like Forgetful said, Araucanas have tufts, and the lethal gene only comes into play if you breed a tufted bird to a tufted bird. Hope your hatch goes well so you can have some cute half-Dorkings from your late Roo.
xs 2 in both cases.

You have to breed two chickens with tufts to get the lethal gene and you expect 50% with tufts, 25% clean faced and 25% that will die in shell from the fatal allele. If you breed a tuft chicken to a clean face you can expect 50/50% with no death in shell from fatal genes.
Awww~ I can't wait to see what my baby chooks look like!

Fingers crossed that I get a few. I can only see 1 when I candle them

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