Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

any eggs free to a good home :) ...its my first time and want some eggs that i can try incubating ? sorry if this sounds rude .
No hurry, it is still cold enough here I wont be hatching for another month at least. I like it to be warm enough I cant take the chicks outside for a few hours during the day (and give me a chance to clean feather dust out of the house) but I am very interested in seeing what you have going on with the chocolate colors.... Hershey kiss chickens
any eggs free to a good home :) ...its my first time and want some eggs that i can try incubating ? sorry if this sounds rude .
ha ha, no not rude. I undestand. I could certainly send you some eggs for very cheap especially if you are open to easter eggers and/or barnyard mix. Basically you would just have to pay shipping and tell me how many eggs you want to try. I'd be willing to sell and ship anywhere from 9-18 eggs for you to do a test hatch for $18 up to 9 eggs shipped, and for $30 up to 18 eggs shipped. you can also try buying eggs from Trader Joe's or anywhere that has fertilized eggs in the grocery store. That's much cheaper. hatch rate will be lower but still a good way to see. If you set 12 eggs from TJs and 3 hatch then you know you have down well and your temps, humidity are good. Also, lots of folks often sell banyard mix eggs for $1 each if you check craigslist in your area. That's safer for your first hatch. then you can try for some rare breeds and more expensive eggs. Easy to rehome those chicks if you don't want them from either my barnyard mix or store eggs. hope that helps!
I would love to order eggs from you but I live in Pa. What are the chances they would make it from California to Pennsylvania in good hatching condition? I'm a first time hatcher so this is new to me.

The better the incubator, the better the hatch. Shipping is always a risk, especially at the temps we have now. I'd advise buying when the eggs won't freeze on the way to you.

Pappa is a good shipper however.
I would love to order eggs from you but I live in Pa. What are the chances they would make it from California to Pennsylvania in good hatching condition? I'm a first time hatcher so this is new to me.


I've been shipping and receiving eggs from all over the country. I've had reports of excellent hatch rates for the most part but some haven't been great. I think too cold is a big factor as in the heat of summer too warm is a big factor. :). As I mentioned above if you'd like to try some barnyard mixes or Easter eggers I tend to have plenty extras on hand and can get you some test hatch eggs for cheap. Just send me a pm if interested. Or, if you want to ore-order and postpone delivery for a month or two that would be fine as well. :)

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