Hatching Eggs- Michigan

We did small animal days last spring, it was fun! My daughter and I almost did the Pullorum testing class too, but were too busy to fit it in. Maybe next year.
ChickyChee, funny U should mention the pollorum workshop and research center....maybe I was there too??? LOL I'll bet you can't figure out who I am can ya? Who had the positive test bird? LOL.
I still haven't gotten the incbator fired up for those 2 dozen quail eggs I got!
Hi I am in the UP of MI by Escanaba and I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could get some Dorking Chicks, they are on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy and I would love to try these beauties. I am planning on Isa Browns and Buff Orps this spring and Dorkings if I can find a chick supply. Thanks jean in UP of MI
Just google "Michigan State University Small Animals Day 2008". I want to say it's the 19 or 26 of April. Is either one of those days a Sat.? Off the top of my head I can't remember. But that's how I found the info.
wow i feel retarded:p dad said he thought it was you. Thats cool that we found each other on here:)

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