Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I can go through this chat all day long and not contribute because I will have at least 15 to read before I catch up and by the time I get to the end I forgot what I was going to say. Go figure- if its important enough I will quote it on a separate tab.
it gets exhausting.

Madamwlf- I feel your pain with the not knowing what you are getting. When we purchased our first BLRW we just thought they were all the same- now we know there are a lot of color variations.
I am starting to learn to do my research completely before I jump into a breed. I am head over foot into SFH's and am learning that they need vitamins added to keep them tip top shape. I actually give all my birds poultry drench and ACV everyday, I have found I have no need for meds by doing this and have virtually no sick birds and the ones that get sick were not very healthy to begin with. I had a SFH that acted crippled and couldn't walk. I thought about culling him but, I loved his color and crest so I kept babying him. I started him on extra vitamins and about a week later- all better and hoping around like everyone else, that was a few months ago and still doing good.

Recently I took icelandics from a swap and didn't think anything about it till they were in the hatcher and realized I have them with SFH's. Not a good idea, can't tell any difference- hopefully when they grow up I can tell them apart- hopefully...
I wonder if that is what is up with my SFH Rooster. I had the vet out to look at him and he could find nothing wrong with him. He just acts puny. When he is not eating or chasing women, he will fluff up and "roost". He also never crows. He is in with our eating eggs hens and I really never thought about giving him any vitamins. When I got him he was really beat up. His feathers were all ratty and "pulled".
Who knows anything about the columbian genes???? I got 4 blue columbian brahma chicks from GFF and this is what I got. Can someone explain to me why I have 2 yellow chicks and 2 bluish yellow chicks because apparently Jenny can't.

If they are supposed to be blue columbian, could they just be splash instead, and that's why they are lighter?
I wonder if that is what is up with my SFH Rooster. I had the vet out to look at him and he could find nothing wrong with him. He just acts puny. When he is not eating or chasing women, he will fluff up and "roost". He also never crows. He is in with our eating eggs hens and I really never thought about giving him any vitamins. When I got him he was really beat up. His feathers were all ratty and "pulled".
I would give it a try. From my studying we do not provide enough nutrition for them and the environment in Sweden is apparently a lot better than our environment. I would say this tends to be a problem with any chicken that came imported from a completely different land because their bodies have become used to what they eat- which is usually not what we eat or have to eat.
ok, I have a question for any of y'all with Blue Copper Marans.
I have 4 blue copper chicks, two of them have dark blue wing feathers growing in, and two have brown in their wing feathers...would the dark solid blues be pullets or will they be cockerals?
Is that how you tell the difference in sex?
afternoon all............ been putting together boxes for tomorrows shipments. Also wrapping up paperwork as we just became a distributor of the brooder heater Sweeterheater ( www.sweeterheater.com )

I have heard wonderful reviews about these!

Anyone know how to get a hold of Foley's Waterfowl and Poultry?  The web page isn't working and I want to see if he has any black bantam wyandottes.

I can PM Jerry's email address to you.
I have heard wonderful reviews about these!
I can PM Jerry's email address to you.
I have a sweeter heater, just haven't used it yet. Was thinking of emptying a pen and putting some chicks out in the coop with the sweet heater. Thank you! Actually someone already sent it to me.
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