Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Wow Madam you are about to make your 5000th POST !
Morning all................ My head issnt pounding like it did yesterday
So maybe I am getting better

Quote: What was it I saw on the swap thread about sending me a Fat B turkey tom???

Quote: LOL, can you please tell me what you claimed yesterday
I think it was Ancona, but your auto correct was too funny
It's days like this (or week I should say) I wish I had a tractor with a bucket. I've started manually turning my compost pile yesterday. I am rather sore today but only made it 1/4 of the way through it. There is some great compost on the bottom of the piles I've been digging out and restacking the rest. I just love neighbors who do have tractors and don't help at all even when asked.
well thats not very neighborly of them to not help you while your hubby is away
Not one of them has even checked on me since he's been gone. Wait, that's not true. The new lady to the neighborhood has. I take Maya down to play with her standard poodle. She's it though. None of the guys, even when we had that big snow storm. Nope, nothing.
Thats aweful! Also part of why living on base has its perks as a military family, but I enjoy our farm space much more. Civilians dont get it and dont think to check on the family when the AD member is deployed.
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