Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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What is everyone's opinion???? The rooster is a mess. He has a bad beak and looks to be wry tail. He's only breeding one hen or the other hen is infertile. Either way, her eggs aren't fertile. I've had them almost 6 months with not one chick to show for it. Well, I did just hatch 4 but I have to put one down now. they were 7 months old when I got them and laying. I've gotten chicks from GFF as a replacement for the rooster but of all the chicks, I have one good juvie growing that I believe is a rooster. It's only 12 weeks old. Long way to go before breeding age. I have 6 chicks from GFF but one has to be put down for a bad beak. This is a constant issue with these guys. So what would you do? Would you sell the whole mess and cut your losses or keep trying? be honest now.
LOL! But there's babies under there. Not just babies. BABY TURKEYS!

Are you still going to get some Midgets?
Would love some. I have Bourbon and Sweet Grass in the incubator right now. The Midgets sound like they would be ideal for a normal family meal rather than extended family shindig.
What is everyone's opinion???? The rooster is a mess. He has a bad beak and looks to be wry tail. He's only breeding one hen or the other hen is infertile. Either way, her eggs aren't fertile. I've had them almost 6 months with not one chick to show for it. Well, I did just hatch 4 but I have to put one down now. they were 7 months old when I got them and laying. I've gotten chicks from GFF as a replacement for the rooster but of all the chicks, I have one good juvie growing that I believe is a rooster. It's only 12 weeks old. Long way to go before breeding age. I have 6 chicks from GFF but one has to be put down for a bad beak. This is a constant issue with these guys. So what would you do? Would you sell the whole mess and cut your losses or keep trying? be honest now.
I would bail out. I hate culling chicks and if the crossbeak issue is that bad, it could keep cropping up but that is just me.
I would bail out. I hate culling chicks and if the crossbeak issue is that bad, it could keep cropping up but that is just me.
Actually it's not cross beak with the blacks. The upper beak curves too much which means the lower beak does not fit properly into the upper beak. When the beak is closed you can see a gap in between upper and lower.
What is everyone's opinion????  The rooster is a mess.  He has a bad beak and looks to be wry tail.  He's only breeding one hen or the other hen is infertile.  Either way, her eggs aren't fertile.  I've had them almost 6 months with not one chick to show for it.  Well, I did just hatch 4 but I have to put one down now.  they were 7 months old when I got them and laying.  I've gotten chicks from GFF as a replacement for the rooster but of all the chicks, I have one good juvie growing that I believe is a rooster.  It's only 12 weeks old.  Long way to go before breeding age.  I have 6 chicks from GFF but one has to be put down for a bad beak.  This is a constant issue with these guys.  So what would you do?  Would you sell the whole mess and cut your losses or keep trying? be honest now.

Lurker chiming in, If you have the room for them, I'd keep the girls and grow out the juvies to see what you have coming up. Since he has issues both physically and temperamental, I'd send the rooster on his way. You have invested a lot of time & money already so I'd hate to see you throw in the towel before seeing what the offspring might look/act like. Just my 1/2 cent worth :)
The rooster has too many issues.  Apparently the birds at GFF have issues to.  One of the chicks I have to put down is due to a beak problem and it's from their birds.  I am at my wits end with them.  I'm seriously ready to cull the rooster.  He's mean as heck and is doing me no good at all.  I'm really on the fence about what to do.  I don't want to waste a bunch of time with birds that could be inbred but I feel like I'm giving up.

Well I'm old school on mean roosters. I can give much better than I get. Red, our Buckeye, went after me and I chased (mind you I can't run and walk with a cane) that poor son of a gun down and harassed him. Now he gives me wide berth. On the other hand FAT B. is attacking the girls when I feed them at night. He's so big he can't catch them during the day, so he's literally jumping them as they eat. I give him a good swift kick in the rear. I'm thinking our back up Dark Cornish is going to taste pretty good. Not one to tolerate a mean roo. Also our OLD rooster Rudy, who's 11 in July, takes no prisoners when he sees another rooster misbehaving. Love that old boy!

As for their health issues, well I would probably keep trying, but I'm tenacious. I'm still trying to get my hubby to pick up after himself even though I know it's just wasted breath. But I have the time. Not always the patience, but lots and lots of time.

Oh oh oh another turkey hatched! I can hear it!
Lurker chiming in, If you have the room for them, I'd keep the girls and grow out the juvies to see what you have coming up. Since he has issues both physically and temperamental, I'd send the rooster on his way. You have invested a lot of time & money already so I'd hate to see you throw in the towel before seeing what the offspring might look/act like. Just my 1/2 cent worth
I've been keeping my eye on the juvie and so far
he looks good. No beak issues at all. And I have thought of doing just that. Having DH do away with that nasty rooster and hope the little dude works out.
Well I'm old school on mean roosters. I can give much better than I get. Red, our Buckeye, went after me and I chased (mind you I can't run and walk with a cane) that poor son of a gun down and harassed him. Now he gives me wide berth. On the other hand FAT B. is attacking the girls when I feed them at night. He's so big he can't catch them during the day, so he's literally jumping them as they eat. I give him a good swift kick in the rear. I'm thinking our back up Dark Cornish is going to taste pretty good. Not one to tolerate a mean roo. Also our OLD rooster Rudy, who's 11 in July, takes no prisoners when he sees another rooster misbehaving. Love that old boy!

As for their health issues, well I would probably keep trying, but I'm tenacious. I'm still trying to get my hubby to pick up after himself even though I know it's just wasted breath. But I have the time. Not always the patience, but lots and lots of time.

Oh oh oh another turkey hatched! I can hear it!
Trust me, I've chased him all over that pen but it hasn't stopped him one bit. He comes after me and DH. We don't even have to be in the pen, he'll charge the fence at you.
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