Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Yay little non-minty guineas
Minty are the best

Just sayin
But you don't like the mafia. I'm in the middle of cattle fields where they can eat themselves content on all the ticks, grasshoppers, etc. I'm not trying to make pets out of them. They will be one of my most profitable animals around here because they sell like crazy.
Goodnight everyone, I don't think my other possum is coming back tonight for his doom. Storms are rolling in here.
Actually it's not cross beak with the blacks.  The upper beak curves too much which means the lower beak does not fit properly into the upper beak.  When the beak is closed you can see a gap in between upper and lower.

Lurker chiming in, If you have the room for them, I'd keep the girls and grow out the juvies to see what you have coming up. Since he has issues both physically and temperamental, I'd send the rooster on his way. You have invested a lot of time & money already so I'd hate to see you throw in the towel before seeing what the offspring might look/act like. Just my 1/2 cent worth :)

I have NO clue about genetics, so maybe someone with knowledge can chime in. I know in many breeds blacks are used to improve other color programs. What would happen if you bred blacks to partridges? After a couple of generations could you get back to the proper color for each but have added new blood?

Mini and crystal,

Midgets are awesome! Just ask mztre how much she's fallen for them! I've raised a lot of turkeys in my time and the only ones that compare in personality are the BBWs and they aren't near as sweet. And I love turkey whether its on the table or on my lap!

They really are awesome! My DH made me move them to the outside brooder today. Poor lil turks. :(

I have 4 new baby bunnies, 5 new beagle puppies, 4 turkeys hatched and 3 new peachicks- all since Sunday. Busy, busy, busy !! Also have 4 more does due in the next week. Are baby bunnies not the cutest things?!?!? Congrats everyone! My does are also fast once they start so watch close.....
Haven't been on in awhile, so HI EVERYONE!! Hope everyone is having a great and productive Spring!

Hi, RBF! Good to see you back!
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