Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I haven't read the book or anything but in general terms I think you just pick a breed that has the trait you're looking for and do a first generation cross. Then from there you breed the crosses together and keep the offspring that have the traits you want. Depending on the mode of inheritance you then breed back to your original breed over multiple generations to get back to the original breed type, while only keeping those offspring that have inherited the desired trait and culling those that didn't or have obvious traits from the crossed breed. I would think for silver laced orps you would probably use silver laced Wyandottes, at least then you don't have things like muffs/beards/crests/feathered legs that you have to breed back out of your project birds.

How did u know I was talkin about orps? :lol: :p
Good Morning Everyone!

I noticed that the current offer on the swap has been up for almost 12 hours. I have not seen this happen before. What happens now?
Good morning everyone
Oh yuck...it's going to be 14-16 degrees today. =( I worry about the "big kids". They're 7 weeks old and yes their coop is nice, but it's still cold outside and it's been wet for the last 48 hours (lots of dew and just plain "yucky" wetness outside). They didn't want to come out this morning and the hawk was nowhere around us...so it wasn't that. It's just to bleepin' cold and they want nothing to do with it. I worry about frostbite in particular. People say they don't need heat in their coops (and I've agreed with that).....until today, that is. Gah...I hope they'll stay dry. It's okay so far at 39 degrees but it's not supposed to stay there.
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