Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I hate dealing with frozen water.
I hate dealing with frozen water.

Well I have a little heating element in their waterer but it's the frostbite and frozen feet I'm fussing and stewing about. :( I don't want to baby them, but after all they are still 'babies' to me anyway, they're 7 week old chicks. I was in the process of bringing Guinevere back inside the house with the younger ones and was going to get Lancelot after her, but hubby caught me and was like "what are you doing?" and I said "they're going to freeze to death" and he says "You just told me a few weeks ago that they'd be fine in there with no heater" and I said "well yeh that was when it was 60 degrees outside that I said that and now that's gonna get below freezing I don't feel the same anymore". Needless to say they ended up back in their coop.

It's easy to say "they'll be fine as long as it's draft free and well ventilated" when its not your chicks freezing their butts off.
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If one wanted to start a silver laced project, where would you begin? Yes, I'm very challenged when it comes to genetics and colors. I bought a book, made no sense to me so i swapped it!!!
Take a gold laced roo and cross it with a silver carrying hen. Then take the roos from that cross and pair up with silver hens again. The result will be a small amount of silver laced chicks, gold laced and a bunch of "others".
Take a gold laced roo and cross it with a silver carrying hen. Then take the roos from that cross and pair up with silver hens again. The result will be a small amount of silver laced chicks, gold laced and a bunch of "others".

How do you get the silver carrying hen to start with?
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