Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Well you could go up to milaca for me and pick up the White Hollands I want then drive down and meet me somewhere. We could have our own little turkey party. Ark ark ark
Hmmmmm........ Hollands in Milaca, turkey party...... This sounds like the makings of a grand adventure.
was spoiledchicken, and I am impatiently waiting to find out if the rest hatched...foot tapping motie.>
You do know they like to be stinkers right? One will pop out and then.........finally another..........and then nothing..............nothing..............NOTHING.......and then all at once they are everywhere. You might get a sore foot before they finish.
Sent eggs to rbaker for a side swap. Tracking number is9505510138893071589784

Go and grow you little turkeys!

And you ladies from LA are coming up soon! Spreading just a little bit of turkey love.

Can't remember who had a turkey riding the rails, but my turkeys must of heard. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Glanced at one of the bators. There's a pip. Lockdown WAS tomorrow. Checked the eggs as I moved them and they were all but one internally pipped. The one had quit. These are White Hollands that I got from Celie from LA and some midgets. I'm gonna have turkeys that I get to keep this time! Yeah!

I'm so excited about future turkeys...never would have thought that a couple years ago lol! I wish the midgets came in all colors. Maybe someone should work on that, or maybe not. DH might divorce me. :D

Congrats on your soon-to-be babies!
My friend has for sale

Okay thanks I still have like 35- 1 month old birds to get rid of, Welsummers, RIR, Blue Andies and Buff Brahma X Light Brahama and Buff Brahama and Buff Orpington X

She ships and does a GREAT job packing. Let me know and I'll hook you up.

Welsummers, please ;)

I just got a new 10x10x6 dog kennel today, and tomorrow I build another coop, so I will be able to separate my Salmon Faverolles, and in two weeks I should be able to start filling orders. :weee I can't wait to start hatching them!

Unfortunately, I am broke until I sell some of the Marans chicks and New Hampshire chicks I am stockpiling. I hope someone contacts me soon!
I'm so excited about future turkeys...never would have thought that a couple years ago lol! I wish the midgets came in all colors. Maybe someone should work on that, or maybe not. DH might divorce me. :D

Congrats on your soon-to-be babies!

There used to be a breed called brown or bronze midgets. The were instrumental in creating the Beltsville Small Whites. Unfortunately I don't think they exist any more. The last known flock was held by a guy in Canada, but he began dispersing them due to his age and health. Believe me if I could find them I would have get them.

Thanks, I love baby turkeys almost as much as my adults.
I just get blank maps when I go to the links
(they are all the same, BTW). But it sounds like you will be coming close to me, at least on the way back. I live halfway between Cincinnati and Louisville, not too far off I-71.
Henry county area?
it was gorgeous here today...after lunch. before lunch it was raining buckets.

I actually went down to the lower goat pen and sat in the hammock for a while watching the goats eat. until they decided to mug me for cookies. dang goats are relentless!

They didn't eat the hammock?
was spoiledchicken, and I am impatiently waiting to find out if the rest hatched...<insert arms folded/foot tapping motie.>
Came home to a hatcher full of turkeys

Sorry, been watching the Poults to make sure they are eating and drinking
I keep hearing how hard it is to get them going so I'm being extra vigilant.

All but 1 hatched, poor baby was pipped on the wrong end and I didn't notice it

They are so cute
I have them in with a bunch of day old chicks and their doing great. I keep finding a few on their backs though, almost like they are to big to roll back over and just decide to nap that way...crazy turkeys
I should probably head to bed here soon. Haven't been getting much sleep lately. Having to get up at 6 am to get the kiddies up and ready for school. It makes it so difficult to have 2 differant schedules now for school sending off and picking up. When my littlest goes to school its gonna be 3 differant times. I haven't been getting to bed till like 1-2 am everynight cause my 4 yr old is a insomniac. Then I roll around trying to go to sleep. I am so exhausted. Too bad I know my 4 yr old would never fall asleep right now. He is wound for sound.
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