Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Reese, I think you already know what needs to be done, but your feelings for him are getting in the way. :hugs I had to put a beloved dog to sleep, because my daughter scared her and my dog snapped at her. Her teeth scratched her face. I thought of every avenue I could take to save her, but in the end my children's safety and the safety of others came first. I am still torn by this decision, even though I know it was the right one. :hugs
I tried the tying (spelling) but the darn boy chewed right through my expensive lead rope.
I have also wrestled him to the ground and sat on him. I also do this to trim there hoofs. Not fun, but I am sure it is a funny picture for my neighboors. Me putting the goats on there back and stradding there bellies to trim there hoofs.

I will try a couple of the methods everyone have suggested. Thanks for all the suggestions.
When trimming their hooves could you stand like you do when cleaning a horses feet? It's a pia on the littlier breeds but not so hard on the bigger ones. It's how we used to do it when I worked on a huge goat farm. Tie them to a wall then stand next to them leaning on them so they can't dance around. After awhile even the wild ones were- while not liking it-not too bad to do. Also if he doesn't climb-omg what am I talking about of course he probably climbs he's an alpine... nevermind he he.
If I did that, my free ranging Scovies and calls would bathe in the water and eat all of there food.

How about the pull out doors they have for horses that you open the door from the outside and the bucket is on the door?

We had a couple of Nubians,Alpines and Obers but never kept any bucks of those breeds we only bred Nigerian Dwarfs and Pygmies. But even then some of the boys were pretty roudy untill we weathered them. We had one pygmy buck and boy he wanted to breed our COW!!! If you are having a problem with him now you really need to nip it in the bud. I had a ram who was a little rambuctous as a yearling and unfortuneately he was at my moms house for a year so they let him get away with murder. After he was 250 lbs and gigantic even my husband could not handle him. I was the only one that could handle him. He would even kick my 16hh horse away from the hay. We had no choice, we had to put him down and boy did I cry he was an awesome ram for breeding he was just too dangerous.
I received eggs and my new hova bator today. I think I now know how to get Spike to behave, but that is not a chance that I have to take any more. Here's hoping that I can get something to hatch. The am eggs that are in Spike right now are three days over due now. The temp was a bit cooler since spike still has his temper tantrums (too cool is better than too hot, right?) He averaged 98.7 and didn't go over 100. I will float test tonight and see if there is anything to be seen. Three days is enough time to wait. Right?
Yes, I am worried about this especially with my kids as they come before any animal does. His horns are very sharp too. I went to stop him the other weekend from horning me and grabbed his horns and his horns slice my thumb clean open. So I am sure they can do a bunch of damage.
You can take a saw to the tips and just cut off the tips it won't hurt at all. One of our bucks wasn't debudded properly when he was a kid so the horn would curl back into his head if we didn't cut it off every couple of months. He won't like it and you will need more than one person to do it, it's not easy. But just cut an inch off and that should atleast help with the pointyness at least. We used a small hacksaw I think, it was one that looks more like the shape of a D. I don't know how big his horns already are, you just have to be careful of the cuticle not sure how far it goes in the horn. If he is only 60 lbs I imagine they aren't too big yet so you'll have to be extra careful.
What a LONG day! I was over an hour away when the storm hit, so I doubled my travel time on the way home. Plus some nut in a red jeep was trying to run people off of the road, no lie. I was too shocked at what he was doing to use a few brain cells and get his license plate, and then he was too many cars ahead. I hope someone got it though, because when you have to go 30mph or less in a 65 zone and there are cars flipped over, that's plain and simply an attempt to kill someone!

I had to hit TSC and came home with four white leghorn pullets and two brown leghorns. Plus strawberry plants, lol. Now I need some more herb plants, I only have chives and peppermint!
Does anyone have a cure for a nasty mean billy goat that has horns. I tell you i have had it with him. I bottle fed him and he is just down right mean. He horns me & rears up at me and my kids. Last night was the last straw though. I got him off his chain and connected him to his lead rope. As soon as i did that he blasted me in the knee cap with his horns and knocked me clean off my feet. Then he started attacking me horning me anywhere he could. Honestly i am ready to take him to have him processed. I don't do mean animals nor do i sell them to people. I know it sounds harsh but if anyone has a better solution i am open to op's. I have already tried to band his horns he keeps breaking them. Hubby won't let me have someone cut them off nor can i find anyone local to do it. He is my breeder so not wanting him to be a weather. Just out of options. I'm afraid he is going to hurt my kids. I can't even let them in the goat stall

Grrr.... Darn spell correct.
Can you say FREEZER !!
You say he is your breeder, now mind you I know NOTHING about goats. BUT, isn't temperment somewhat hereditary. Why would you take a chance on reproducing that temperment, possibly at the expense off someones elses safey. just my thoughts
Yes, I am worried about this especially with my kids as they come before any animal does. His horns are very sharp too. I went to stop him the other weekend from horning me and grabbed his horns and his horns slice my thumb clean open. So I am sure they can do a bunch of damage.
I think he needs to go to freezer camp. seriously. everything you are revealing is just making it more clear. I know you don't like this decision, but think about how awful you'd feel if he did do something to one of your kids.
You can take a saw to the tips and just cut off the tips it won't hurt at all. One of our bucks wasn't debudded properly when he was a kid so the horn would curl back into his head if we didn't cut it off every couple of months. He won't like it and you will need more than one person to do it, it's not easy. But just cut an inch off and that should atleast help with the pointyness at least. We used a small hacksaw I think, it was one that looks more like the shape of a D. I don't know how big his horns already are, you just have to be careful of the cuticle not sure how far it goes in the horn. If he is only 60 lbs I imagine they aren't too big yet so you'll have to be extra careful.

actually it is the sides of his horns that got me that are very sharp.
Can you say FREEZER !!
You say he is your breeder, now mind you I know NOTHING about goats. BUT, isn't temperment somewhat hereditary. Why would you take a chance on reproducing that temperment, possibly at the expense off someones elses safey. just my thoughts

Hubby, is also fighting me on the matter of freezer with him, but he is not the one that has to deal with him.
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