Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Left pullet. Right cockerel. Bottom cockerel.

Yeah those are my examples to compare.
My dad talks more than any female I have ever met
so yes the chads too!!
Quote: It is one of the table top ones but I don't know if I could manuver it to the bathroom with out knocking the chicks and eggs around. We are in the process of remodeling the entire upstairs so it's like a weird maze of odd doorways and such. They are in a somewhat isolated room but the walls are not currently "up"
and we just have mostly insulation with plastic over it. There is actually one whole wall that we tacked up a piece of plywood and the top part is just plastic along with plastic over the "door". I am not sure about it getting it's humidity up as every meter I put in there registers super slow. There was over a 24 hr period when it registered as 97 degrees but the glass one read 100. Off and on before I put the eggs in there if I was super stealthy the humidity seems to only drop a tiny bit and seems to recover even on the meter. It was very difficult to get it at 65 but once it was there is has stayed pretty close to around that. Saying that it just dropped to 50 humidity and not sure why, trying to figure that out this minute

I have 12 blues for you here.  The oldest is 5 days old.  Do you want me to go ahead and ship or wait another day or two?  It's your choice.  If I ship tomorrow it probably will sit in the PO over the weekend at the rates it is taking to get to you.

Anyone want some Salmon Favs?  I have 9 right now.

Are the SF eggs or chicks?
I have 15 SF eggs in the Bator right now for beginning of April hatch, but I have had such poor hatch rates my last two hatches, Ian worried about them!
I have a question..... I read you guy complaining about shipping prices and it should not cost that much really.... but I does... Do you guys know something i need to know? I had someone want some roos so I agreed to ship them. The Post Office said it would be $61.15 for 10 lbs is that insane or normal? She sent me a box and then backed out over the price. That is just what it was. Is it that much cheaper to ship from online? I thought it was just 16% savings max.
It is much cheaper to use click and ship online then to go to the post office. Especially for express boxes.
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