Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I just have Mille Fleur. Can you tell that is my favorite color pattern?
Tolbunts, Jubilees, Olandsk, d'Uccles, Leghorns.....eye candy! I agree, the d'Uccles were my favorites until I got my first Legbars! Their personality is even sweeter!
Yeah, I am a sucker for Mille Fleurs and Creles.
I just found the Porter's Heritage Turkey website. BIG mistake. I would love to order some. I'll have to wait, but I think I have narrowed it down to Sweetgrass, Tiger Bronze and Pencilled Palm colors.

All I can say is WOW!
I would love to hear from the people who keep turnkeys and chickens together. I have stayed away from Turkeys because of the Black Head issue, but sooo many people keep them together and don't seem to have any problems. I really only want a couple as pets to run around the yard. If they do end up getting Black Head, can it be treated with anti-biotics.
Anyone here into the odd and gothish things? I know someone has to be. I am for one. I love Ripley's odd stuff. 2 headed calves, weird stuff. But I also like supernatural stuff and I so want one of these. Please no bashing or bad comments. Not everyone has the same taste.


<----------------- Freaky too. 5666 post count!!!
Boy, do I have some things to trade for you...... I must search around my house a bit!!!!
I would love to hear from the people who keep turnkeys and chickens together. I have stayed away from Turkeys because of the Black Head issue, but sooo many people keep them together and don't seem to have any problems. I really only want a couple as pets to run around the yard. If they do end up getting Black Head, can it be treated with anti-biotics.
I have my chickens and turkeys together. With only one acre, I really have no choice in the matter if I want turkeys. I use rigorous bio security and have never brought a bird onto my property that has touched the ground anywhere else. Also, I get the birds in a tractor completely separated from the adult birds (but with the other growing chickens) until the birds are 16 weeks. From my research, by 16 weeks, turkeys are much more resistant to Blackhead. I also worm my birds really regularly to keep down the cecal worms. It is the cecal worms that are really the problem. That being said, it is a risk! I watch my guys really carefully. Once you get it, it lives in your soil and you are now a turkey free farm. It has worked for me and most small poultry keepers I know. The only ones I know that have had a problem are the ones who have taken birds from other places or didn't worm regularly. There is a treatment for Black Head. It is hard to get and by the time you know what you have the birds are probably dead.
2:00pm and JUST now getting lunch! Been a long day shuffling eggs to hatchers, hatchlings to bigger brooders, cleaning brooders and then on mid day round discovered our oldest doe gave birth to twins! So have a buckling and doeling just born, still wobbly legged and nursing. Stripped her pen, gave her fresh hay for bedding down on and fed her. Will get pictures later on them. red, black and white with what star caps on their heads. Our other girl is due very soon.
I would love to hear from the people who keep turnkeys and chickens together. I have stayed away from Turkeys because of the Black Head issue, but sooo many people keep them together and don't seem to have any problems. I really only want a couple as pets to run around the yard. If they do end up getting Black Head, can it be treated with anti-biotics.

I've never had a problem.
Anyone here into the odd and gothish things?  I know someone has to be.  I am for one.  I love Ripley's odd stuff.  2 headed calves, weird stuff.  But I also like supernatural stuff and I so want one of these.  Please no bashing or bad comments.  Not everyone has the same taste.


<-----------------  Freaky too.  5666 post count!!!

Someone stole this from my nightmares...

When I was pregnant I would dream about my baby being possessed and coming out looking like that and trying to kill me. :oops:
Anyone here into the odd and gothish things? I know someone has to be. I am for one. I love Ripley's odd stuff. 2 headed calves, weird stuff. But I also like supernatural stuff and I so want one of these. Please no bashing or bad comments. Not everyone has the same taste.


<----------------- Freaky too. 5666 post count!!!

I am. I also think that doll is way cute. However, I find dolls in general to be creepy (I never had dolls as a little girl because I didn't like having all the beady eyes staring at me at night).
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