Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Well it is a sad day here. My MIL went for here yearly check up and something wasn't right so they sent her for more test and they found out that she has Aggressive Brain & Lung Cancer.

She starts her chemo for the brain cancer on thursday and goes every day but the weekends until May 22nd and she is trying to get into the mayo clinic in Flordia for her Lung cancer.
Ugggg. Many positive healing thoughts her way.
Well it is a sad day here. My MIL went for here yearly check up and something wasn't right so they sent her for more test and they found out that she has Aggressive Brain & Lung Cancer.

She starts her chemo for the brain cancer on thursday and goes every day but the weekends until May 22nd and she is trying to get into the mayo clinic in Flordia for her Lung cancer.
So sorry to hear. My prayers are with you guys and hoping for her to get into the mayo clinic.
Let me know when you fix it. I will gladly send you some Speckled Sussex. Maybe I can also send some Exchequer since I am starting to see daylight on those (Orders are almost done!

Thank you! I got a deal at a local auction I couldn't pass up. $5 for a dozen SS. $12 for the Exchequer. I've got to get it fixed because I have Rhodebar on the way (again) and Donna's guineas to go in.
Well. I've got 4 of KYTinpusher's SFH in lockdown, all are wigglers! Plus Daze333's Frizzle Polish and some other barnyard mixes. I'm trying this hatch in the cardboard egg cartons. I figure it's worth a shot considering my recent issues with shipped in lockdown not hatching.
Thank u guys. I feel bad for my fil. He lost his first wife to ovarian cancer i just pray it doesnt happen again.

We may be planning a trip to head down to TN and go visit them.
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Well it is a sad day here. My MIL went for here yearly check up and something wasn't right so they sent her for more test and they found out that she has Aggressive Brain & Lung Cancer. :(

She starts her chemo for the brain cancer on thursday and goes every day but the weekends until May 22nd and she is trying to get into the mayo clinic in Flordia for her Lung cancer.

Dang Michelle,
Im so sorry!
My eggs are a met to hatch to day and when I put them in the it was 9.30 am now it's 4.50pm will thay be all right
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