Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Congrats. They are super easy to raise. Get a tote with high sides, cut out a hole on one side of the lid and hot glue screen over it. This is for ventilation. Find some egg flat cartons and set them on their ends inside the tote. This is where the roaches will hide out. Keep them warm, feed them and water them. For food I use cheap dry cat food and cheap cereal. For water, I use water crystals but you can also use potatoes, carrots, apples. Just make sure to change out the water food often so it doesn't rot.
Awesome, thanks!! Can I put them in an aquarium, or does it need to be dark like a tote? She said a blue or red light over them, not white and to mist them once a day for moisture? (it is dry here) How long do they live? My boys gave a couple of them to the chickens yesterday, "to see if they like them", yep, they did!! LOL

Gah! It's Monday!!! Good morning, everybody :) Chickies all fed and watered and I'm having tea before jumping in the shower and running errands, bleah. Daloorashens and allsummedup, thank you for the nice comments! I am finally getting a handful of my birds to where I want them to be. It's been kind of a long shake-down process -- I keep buying, hatching, and raising birds, realizing they're not something I want to breed and offer, and selling them off, lol! So I'm only just starting to have some I'm pretty sure I want to keep. My first-year basques are decidedly a varied crew, with some from msztre, some from pastrymama, some direct from Skyline, and both Skyline and GFF second-gen chicks from other sources as well. Right now I'm up to 24 (I think? I might be forgetting a few) of assorted ages -- I'm in the process of growing them all out, then I'll select out the ones I want to use for breeders. I have one trio who are definite keepers, which is good since they'll probably be laying first :)

I know some people can assess birds when they're younger. I can't, really -- I'm just not experienced enough -- so except for obvious defects or a general lack of vigor/hardiness, I really have to wait till they're pretty well grown before evaluating a bird for breeding purposes.

I feel your pain... I had chickens for years when I was younger, but it was really, really casual, I've learned so much here about type and such, it's honestly fascinating!!
I am kicking myself for ordering 20 Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana chicks from Paul Smith this past winter. They are due to us in the next week or so. This color in particular seems like a bit too much work. I did alot of research before we purchased but have since read many stories on the troubles of breeding these. Also breeding for egg colors just adds too much confusion, especially when it is so specific(only blue with no green).
I'm feeling the same way about mine, I just don't have the space to give them the justice they deserve... and there's another breeder within a couple of hours of me that has some really quality birds, so I think I will leave them to her and put my hens in with my Marans roo for olive eggers
(although the Amer roo over the bantam cochin hens has been hatching out some SUPER cute easter egger puffy cheeked, feather footed chicks, ack!!
Oh I know. That's kind of why I am letting so many vets and such know. If a sweet 95 lb rottie shows up with a new owner, they might call.
I really hope you find him, rotties are the sweetest dogs ever!!

The reponse I got yesterday came from their iphone. I gave them the benefit of the doubt yesterday in case of dead phone, last night in case they were sleeping, this morning the time zone difference. I will wait until tomorrow morning just in case they decided to ship, then I'm contesting through Paypal. I'm running out of patience when it only takes a few minutes to say "let me research this and get back to you".

I just really needed to vent on this one. Somebody explain to be why you list an auction for less than you are willing to sell? It is just so irritating to think I found a steal on something and then see there's a secret reserve. Now I have to try to guess what the reserve it. Forget that.
Wow, that is pretty pathetic, and sad... sorry you're dealing with that!!

Everyone here wants cheap sexlinks too, so I'm setting set up to have my layer flock double for sexlinks. I have a brown leghorn for a roo, and I'm working on barred easter eggers, barred rocks, dominique, delware, rhode island whites & cuckoo marans for hens. In the spring I shall have sexlink rainbow layers. :)
Holy Moly!!!! You are ambitious!! But wow, sounds like a fun project!! So you would have red and black sex links, from those crosses, right??

Well just had Greenfire buy some of my silver sussex eggs.
Guess they are going to start back with them again? Or they are after the color for the orpington projects that are going on. They also bought some of my black copper eggs too about a month ago.

I agree you must be a super hero, lol... and I feel super lucky to have some of your eggs in the bator right now!!

Sorry about your drama, DM, stuff like that is so stressful!!

YAY for your turkey eggs COF!!!!
Okay- so I got 6 Buff Laced Polish chicks... one of them is something completely different! Any idea what this is? Other than a cute chick? TIA :) What has 5 toes other than a silkie? But it has normal feathers coming in and white skin... So Weird!!
I have a similar one from Murray mc Murray with the weird extra toe ! Except its legs are clean and it's got black spots. Honestly it's my least favorite chick really flighty and peeps all the time.
good morning everyone!
My one BLRW egg is still developing nicely day 10 and its gettin nice and dark in there :)
Sadly the other eggs look like stinkers still but I don't see any harm in leaving them in there until lockdown day. As I think I see some veins and dark spots.

No development in any of the turkey eggs yet but it's only day 7 so I'm not going to get disappointed until at least day 15.
Awesome, thanks!! Can I put them in an aquarium, or does it need to be dark like a tote? She said a blue or red light over them, not white and to mist them once a day for moisture? (it is dry here) How long do they live? My boys gave a couple of them to the chickens yesterday, "to see if they like them", yep, they did!! LOL
I don't use a lamp at all on them. I just put them in a room that stays warm. Yes you can use an aquarium.
G'morning! Can't believe it is only Tuesday. I have to do the chick shuffle today since I have more coming tomorrow.

Remember I won those bantam chocolate wyandotte eggs last week? Well, GFF is sending chicks instead!!!
Sorry guys... I can't keep up. 

CJ I did read a little about your problems hope you get that resolved.  If I missed anything important someone PM me.  Hope all is well with everyone!

The situation with my son and his dogs killing my guinea have escalated.... to the point we are now trying to buy his house so he can move. :th   Tensions are high for all kinds of reasons.  Soon everything will resolve.... just hoping sooner rather than later.  I thought we were almost DONE remodeling and now another house is coming my way to remodel.   I hope we can survive this.  5 years I have been remodeling off and on and STILL we don't have a house to live in long them :barnie   I am not upset about buying the house, just upset with the amount of time this is going to take... another year down the tubes. :hit

Remodel......Chicken Houssssssse!!! Problem solved. :lol:
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