Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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We just got a call from someone who is 10 miles away saying a rottie has been in their yard all day. Sure enough, it was out boy. Skinnier and COVERED in ticks, but doing ok




It's the Swiss that are neutral. Swedes are just ornery!
I'm so happy for you! The prodigal child has come home! Wouldn't you just love to know what he's been up to?
Everybody should have a gander named George! When I was a child we had a George and a Sadie. Now I have a George, a Sadie, a Penelope, and of course a Lucy because you must have a Lucy goosie!
Awesome!!!!! So very happy for you!!!!
x2!!! So glad there is a happy ending to this story!! Wouldn't it be interesting if he had been wearing a crittercam and you were able to see what happened to him??
Hey, guys, I need to know from anyone that has hatched Salmon Favs from me if you have had non pure chicks hatch. My first set I apparently shipped too soon and the Blues/Buttercup cockerels that were in with my Fav pullet still were in the lineup. I just heard from someone I shipped to in April that she had a couple of black chicks hatch. I don't know how that could happen because I don't have a single cockerel that would throw a black chick except my Houdan, and I know he wasn't in the mix. I don't know if DH mixed layer egg pen up with the Favs or what, but I need to know if anyone else has had a problem. Needless to say, I will be sending out replacement eggs along with my sincere apologies. Please let me know if anyone has had an issue. I'm very sorry and don't want anyone on here to think I would intentionally send out mixed eggs.
Ok I searched everywhere I could think and haven't found a Red leghorn rooster. If anyone here knows of any breeders let me know. Actually I did find one, but he's in Scotland. Um no! Otherwise I'm just gonna get one from a hatchery. Not ideal, but its all I can find now.

I got some exchequer leghorn chicks and there was a red included. My plan was to throw it in with my egg flock if it was a pullet. A couple of days ago I glanced at it and thought..................dang, looks like a little roo. If it's a roo, I have no use for it.............

Everybody should have a gander named George! When I was a child we had a George and a Sadie. Now I have a George, a Sadie, a Penelope, and of course a Lucy because you must have a Lucy goosie!

This is my American gander named George (Washington) and he knows he's my favorite.

Another shot of his adorable face
G'morning peeps! Sah, so glad your dog is home again!!!! And it is finally Thursday. Week is almost over. We moved all the wyandotte hens plus 2 roosters to a separate pen. I don't want the girls to be harassed by all the roosters I have.
Good Morning everyone! I have been meaning to post this all week.... at least I remembered before the week was over. To all the other nurses on this thread:

I do t understand why people are so cheep with eggs. Especially chickens I mean they usually lay an egg a day in the right conditions.
cheep with eggs? If you want a bunch of egg BUY THEM, these birds arent cheap to grow out, select the best (if any) to keep, to build a breeding pair, trio, flock. To feed, and then there is some breeds who individual birds cost a fortune to invest in for the "chance" to have something worth breeding.

some breeds dont lay well, some breeds take FOREVER to grow out to even get egg 1. Before you call someone cheap, you need to look at ALL the factor that went into getting that single egg, let alone 3, 4, 6

Sorry but i get very upset when I see statements like that.
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