Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Oh and daloorasheens I'm a little swede along with a few others, but mostly Swiss and Irish. So often I'm in arguments with myself that my stubborn ornery self won't give in to and yet I'm neutral so I don't care.
Ok you turkey people out there... My husband has a friend that is wanting 12 royal palm turkey poults. If anyone can do this and wants tbe business... Pm me prices with shipping
Ok, I posted this on FB, but I think it's pretty amazing.

For the first time, Facebook has done me a real solid.
Our neighbor posted about our missing rottie on Sunday. Apparently, our town is a very active Facebook community. First, the family who found him only knew someone was missing him through FB.
Second, I drop Hayden off at PreK today and take down the flyer I had put up. The owner of the center said "I heard you found him!" How? Posted on Facebook.
Third, I go to the vet to get some tick/flea meds, as the lady is ringing me up, she sees its for a Rottie, and says "oh, is this the missing Rottie?" I say yes, she says "oh great! I saw he was missing on a friends repost on FB!"

Wow. Just wow. Here dumb me is going door to door, putting up flyers, an making phone calls. All that needed to be done was to put some digital letters out there in the cyber space.
We just got a call from someone who is 10 miles away saying a rottie has been in their yard all day. Sure enough, it was out boy. Skinnier and COVERED in ticks, but doing ok





Sah, this made my week!!!! My heart was breaking for you.

So glad we don't have ticks in Alaska.
Really?????? Wow! We get the short end of every stick. Just as cold and snow....lot's of ticks.
Good Morning Happy Chicken People!

Despite my telling myself that this time around I wasn't having any pet poultry, one teenage Welsummer (one of Jim Heinz) has decided she is my best friend. While everyone else heads to the ground for the morning scratch, she gets up on the perches and gets as close as she can to where I am, begging. She wants hand feeding, and petting, and being held. All these Wellies, and it has to be this one...a banded one. Sigh. I don't want any pet birds. That was the hardest part about the MG outbreak last year; putting down pets and babies. No pet birds!

But she says otherwise.
Yeah....they usually do. This mindset is exactly why I have a rooster living in the house!!!


Super busy weekend with huge plant sale presenting. Also, working hard to get the starts out this weekend for those of you who have been SOOOOOOO patient. I also have all of my treat boxes get out. Please, please be patient I am working on it. I will be doing the starts before the treats because you have been waiting so long. Will be completely done with both by next week.
ProfTi.................. USPS is going to pay to replace the lost chicks (of course I am not hatching some of the breeds now, but they are going to PAY so we can get you new hatchlings) but wll not cover shipping in the claim (normal they dont refund shipping on insurance claims)
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