Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I could swap a ton of bbs ams, but no one wants those cute babies....
What?? I love your babies! I've cried about each one I lost to the $%#^% Cocci. And my Frizzle Tolbunt from CPL...
But they are moved to the new space after building an entire grow out coop in the rain yesterday and today I will completely rehab the old space today. I'm just glad I got more from you!
Seriously no one knows since no one can get her to answer PMs.
I've not chimed in really as I was only owed one swap from her and a few eggs from a mixup on a side swap. Thankfully cluckitall has been gracious enough to cover the eggs. But I feel for you all that are owed more. I know how excited I was to have caught a swap from her early one morning, so I can't even imagine the ton of eggs you all are wishing for. I do agree that it only takes a few moments to be honest and keep up on communication.

Speaking of which, Krafty, I'm getting close.....
I'm sorry about all the problems people are having. I guess I feel that someone that is still swapping and owe's 30 or so swaps still out, should stop swapping and start shipping. I personally only swap what I fell very confident that I can deliver and afford to ship. I know everyone has more poultry then I do, But the Shipping costs alone can creep up there very fast and before you know it you may have the eggs but not the finances to ship them. I think some just fall short in seeing the big picture and let it get out of hand. You know chicken math plays a part in that. lol

This is just my 2 cents for what ever it is worth. I know some will agree and some will not, but that is life also.

I agree. I personally don't like having a bunch of swaps that I owe. I asked everyone on the wygs to stop swapping if they had swaps over 2 weeks overdue. Some may not have been happy with it, but I think it was a favor to everyone, even those overdue. Just gives them a chance to catch up and not get too overwhelmed by swaps. Myself included. I have a swap overdue and need to get it out. Knowing that I'm not allowed to swap until I send that package is actually helpful, lol. Now, if I could get the energy and motivation and find my one ingredient, I'd be able to get the darn package out!
Oh man, I am both thrilled, totally impressed, and heartbroken. My beautiful bourbon red eggs, which AyeUpChuck mailed last Monday (!!!) finally arrived today. The packing couldn't have been more perfect -- double-boxed, each egg tripled-wrapped and padded, just gorgeous. Every one is completely intact, although I haven't candled for air cells yet. Beautiful, beautiful eggs!!! And the post office had them for eight days... I don't know whether to flail in excitement or cry.

As soon as this hatch comes out of the 'bator, in they go and I start praying...
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I see BM6 is watching I would be curious to hear your input.

Quote: thank you. I do my best.

Quote: I have been quiet mainly because when I have tried to share what is going on around CPL I have been accused of lying and trying to cover things up. I am a Christian, first and foremost, and the definition of Christian means to be Christ-like. I try, but being human I also fail too many times.
Rachael has Crohn's Disease and is in severe pain much of the time. She takes very strong pain medication for it, which is why she does not drive unless she has no choice (which is almost never) because she does not trust herself. She also has problems remembering many things. She has to go for treatments every single week and needs to take medicines just to eat because it gives her much pain. She has been sick a lot lately and is tired and nauseous a lot. She also has a dog that is needing a lot of care and having breathing issues. She has fluid on her lungs and needs to take medicine twice a day. I know Rachael has been up holding her many nights lately, so she is tired and sleeps much of the day. They also just moved to the farm and Charles is getting started in field work, so he is not around to help as much, which means the animals are in her care. I have been trying to get her Ridgeville house emptied and cleaned, because it is not even listed, yet someone is interested in it already, but I have been sick for the last two weeks and also have my own house, animals, family, and garden to keep up with.
Rachael has gotten so many PMs lately that she cannot keep up with them-that is why you aren't hearing back from her. She has over 250 messages that she has not been able to read-because it is spring and she is getting eggs and trying to juggle setting them for chicks to fill swaps as well as sending out her swaps and mine. My CL hatched in September/October and I still haven't seen an egg from them, so she has been trying to fill my swaps as well as her own.
John, I am sorry you received broken eggs from her-I can guarantee they were fresh when they were sent, because she has been hatching everything she can and sending as soon as she has enough. She rarely has eggs that are 4 days old and they often go in the incubator. There are some who have a large number of chicks owed, many the same breed. We have been trying to send no more than 1-2 males for 3-5 females, which leaves us pretty limited when there are not enough females. Charles did help her pack eggs last week and I am afraid that is where the main problem was, because he isn't as aware of what it takes to ship eggs safely.

Rachael and I are both wishing we had not swapped as much as we did. I am very sorry, and it will not happen on my part again. There are also some breeds that were always wanted (CL and Tolbunt, mainly), so now it is hard filling those swaps, because people are waiting on chicks AND eggs.
Quote: I am about 30 minutes from her, and no, I can't get over there every day.

Rachael's Jubilees were hatched in December. Yes, she did lose most of them to cocci, but she still has a pullet and cockerel from that hatch. The younger ones are December babies, so according to this they should be laying soon.
Thanks for letting everyone know something. I appreciate your honesty and as a Christian I also will be praying for Rachael .
You are welcome. I am very sorry for the trouble everyone is having getting a reply back from her, but I also can see her view too. I have gotten to know Rachael very well in the last year, and I have to consider her one of my best friends. She is as generous as anyone I have ever known, and it sometimes gets her in trouble. I wish I could be over there every day to help her-the farmhouse is terribly old and dilapidated, which is something else they are trying to work on, but the farm is so peaceful and relaxing. I could live there easily (in a different house, LOL).
I know when I am getting PMs from a bunch of people at once, it can become overwhelming. I cannot imagine getting 200+ messages and having time to go through them.
I have two swaps owed to me..............."Bresse" and "my choice of any breed she's got"

Wait.......madam..........do you not have tolbunts anymore? I was waiting on a dozen from you, not swaps but purchased.

Deb, if you'd like to be added to the isbar list, let me know. It's a long list, though, and it's going to take me quite a while to get them all out but barring an unforeseen calamity (either the chickens die or I do) they will be gotten out.

Thank you again to everyone who's being patient :) I really do appreciate it!
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