Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I have them - the heated brooder on top and two unheated grow outs underneath.  I have a 50 chick ecoglow in the middle one for a middle step.  I LOVE it.  I went back and bought the 5 stack quail unit for my quail pens.

Of course, the shipping is as much as the units. - ETA - of course I'm in CA and they are in GA (I think).

Putting it together is a nightmare..................a million screws and parts and limited instructions.  It's one of those manuals that is mostly pictures and not too much English.

I forgot about the assembly. Yeah it was kind of a nightmare. So was taking it apart. Thank god for electric screw drivers!
those are pictures of the chicks I had hatch out in SFH. I think I've got a decent color assortment, just don't think there is any more crested in there...

I think you're going to be surprised. Not all crested birds have vaulted skulls. I think you have some crested in there.
I had a very eventful afternoon watering and feeding chickens. I have a Buff Brahma roo that is just plain out mean. He will jump on you and spur you but wait till your back is turned. This afternoon he attacked me. I have a place on my arm where he grabbed me with his beak and would not let go and started spurring me. I have had enough of this roo attacking me. I am afraid he is going to go after my kids. So I took matters in my own hand and he will be our supper for tomorrow night. He will not hurt anyone else.
PM Dahlisgrams. 3/4 of my chicks are crested, lost of color variety. I've had better luck with her SFH than anybody else's, but that could be time of year, temps, my inexperience, etc. Anyway, just saying I love the chicks I got from her.

Her Swedish Flower flock is stunning! I have 12+ eggs in my bator from her right now
I need more Tolbunt eggs... I think both of mine are girls. Their crests are starting to round their faces. =/

Oh, Hi everyone!
Hope everyone is doing well! I can't keep up with thread unless I check in 5x a day!
You have eggs coming and should have received an email

I need a new one

yes it is

lol I always check who is bidding so I dont bid over another swapper. I was going to wait it out till closer to the end to up the bid but you happened along
I did not bid on them, just have really been wanting some.
I have them - the heated brooder on top and two unheated grow outs underneath. I have a 50 chick ecoglow in the middle one for a middle step. I LOVE it. I went back and bought the 5 stack quail unit for my quail pens.

Of course, the shipping is as much as the units. - ETA - of course I'm in CA and they are in GA (I think).

Putting it together is a nightmare..................a million screws and parts and limited instructions. It's one of those manuals that is mostly pictures and not too much English.
shipping would be 120$ for the 5 deck since they are just up in GA

Yes, the shipping for me was more like $300 for each unit and I still considered them worthwhile. I think they were around $800-900 each (I try to put that out of my mind, LOL).

I had a very eventful afternoon watering and feeding chickens. I have a Buff Brahma roo that is just plain out mean. He will jump on you and spur you but wait till your back is turned. This afternoon he attacked me. I have a place on my arm where he grabbed me with his beak and would not let go and started spurring me. I have had enough of this roo attacking me. I am afraid he is going to go after my kids. So I took matters in my own hand and he will be our supper for tomorrow night. He will not hurt anyone else.

I have a silkie roo like that. He doesn't spur, but he bites and will not let go. You have to pry open his beak to get loose. He has drawn blood on DH and I, many times. You'd think a 2# chicken couldn't do that much damage. I said if he bites me again, I'll find out what black chicken is like in soup.
I had a very eventful afternoon watering and feeding chickens. I have a Buff Brahma roo that is just plain out mean. He will jump on you and spur you but wait till your back is turned. This afternoon he attacked me. I have a place on my arm where he grabbed me with his beak and would not let go and started spurring me. I have had enough of this roo attacking me. I am afraid he is going to go after my kids. So I took matters in my own hand and he will be our supper for tomorrow night. He will not hurt anyone else.

Good for you! I would never deal with a mean roo ever- too many nice roos out there who need a good home.
I had a very eventful afternoon watering and feeding chickens. I have a Buff Brahma roo that is just plain out mean. He will jump on you and spur you but wait till your back is turned. This afternoon he attacked me. I have a place on my arm where he grabbed me with his beak and would not let go and started spurring me. I have had enough of this roo attacking me. I am afraid he is going to go after my kids. So I took matters in my own hand and he will be our supper for tomorrow night. He will not hurt anyone else. 

Good for you!

On the rare occasion that we have a nasty rooster we chase them down and carry them around upside down so all the hens and other roosters can get in on the discipline. We have a Buckeye that went at me a few months ago. Now he sees me coming and he goes the other direction. My son does the same thing. He had a rooster go after his boots ever day for a week. Finally my son gave the boot to the rooster. Of course his foot was still in there when it hit the rooster. Problem solved.

I know I know, but I'm telling ya if two roosters get into a fight its bloody. No blood is let when we teach them who's boss. Only thing really hurt is their pride.
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