Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I brought a metal frame kit that snapped together- 15 minutes tops to put it together- no tools. I made sure to get the one that had all those holes running down the sides because I wanted to use that to secure my hardware cloth.

This is the unit I used http://www.lowes.com/pd_101933-1281...=1&currentURL=?Ntt=metal+shelf+unit&facetInfo

The unit is 48 inches wide x 24 deep so I brought 48" hardware cloth ($20.00). I cut 1 sheet to length and secured with 4" grey zip ties all the way down for the back. Then I cut a second piece to length and then cut in half (since each side is 24") secured each piece to the sides with more zip ties- super easy.

Now I just needed to make my doors and and a wooden lip to keep the mess in. The doors I made with 1/2 inch (I think that's the size) wood. I just cut 4 pieces of wood to size and stapled them together on both sides and then stapled hardware cloth to them- done. Then I took flat hinges and secured the doors to the shelving unit. The trick was to run a vertical piece of wood inside the unit right behind where I was screwing the hinges

Can you see the wood behind all those holes and the hinges? Super easy! Just screw the hinge in grabbing the wood behind and done. I also added a wooden lip inside to keep the mess in- that is just 4 pieces of wood screwed together.

I used alot of zip ties and staples for almost everything

Inside the unit I put down heavy duty contact paper so the wood stays dry and it's easy to clean.

I'm ruined! I've now got to go out and do this! Great job!
Took my littlest one for a follow-up appt for a sinus infection, she was still having headaches. Not a sinus infection. They think she's having migraines. She's only 7, which is two years earlier than normal onset of migraines in kids. We had a bunch of blood tests done to rule out anything else, and now we're going to see a neurologist next week. It's not been the best week.
So sorry. I had one with childhood migraines. Luckily she has outgrown them.
I eat my eggs, I refuse to buy them. That is the reason I wanted chickens in the first place. We went on vacation last year on our yearly mountains trip. DH and I cook breakfast for everyone. No one was laying, all molting, too young etc. we usually go thru at least 2-3 dozen during that time. It hurt my feelings, but I had to some. I only used maybe 4 eggs when making muffins. They just don't taste the same.
Rare breed or common, they will get eaten in my house.
I'll be sure to mention that. At 7, she's a little young for impacted teeth. I have had migraines since I was a kid, so I'm not surprised. It's just tough to watch her in pain and having to be poked and prodded.
Yes but are her 7 year molars in already? If not, maybe those coming in could be causing her headaches. I hate to see little ones in pain, you feel so helpless.
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COF turkeys are super easy once you get past the initial fragile stage. During that keep em warm, DRY, and make sure they are eating and drinking. I use wet game bird starter as its easier for poults. Remember they are very near sighted to begin with. Shiny things attract them for pecking. They also love to peck food off your fingers. I'll get you a PM with things I can think of as I go.

Right now I have a hatcher full of fuzz, eye balls, and beaks. I think I might have to unload a bit of fluffy butts. I know there's a cute little turkey in the front that wants some momma love and I still need to run to town.
we do the same for pheasants and peafowl
Make sure they check her teeth for any new ones coming in. My son had severe migraines during his teenage years. We saw several doctors and specialists they just wanted to keep running tests and doping him up with all sorts of meds. Turns out his wisdom teeth were the cause. Not one of the doctors we saw suggested it could have been his teeth. His dentist recommended we have them removed after x-rays showed that they were impacted. We scheduled the appt. and had the surgery done. It was several months after that my son said, "Wow Mom, my migraines are all gone. Maybe it was my teeth"? He is 25 now and to this day has not had another migraine. 

I'll be sure to mention that.  At 7, she's a little young for impacted teeth.  I have had migraines since I was a kid, so I'm not surprised.  It's just tough to watch her in pain and having to be poked and prodded.
Also have her vision checked. That caused me serious migraines at one point. They were actually talking brain surgery! Then I got my eyes examined and got new glasses, and voila....no more migraines!
Does anyone have Russian Orloff hatching eggs they would like to do a side swap with me??

I have pheasant eggs, guinea eggs, porcelain d'uccle eggs, SFH eggs, random American game & oriental game eggs... I'd be willing to swap. Pics of my birds are on my coop page. PM me.

I eat my eggs, I refuse to buy them. That is the reason I wanted chickens in the first place. We went on vacation last year on our yearly mountains trip. DH and I cook breakfast for everyone. No one was laying, all molting, too young etc. we usually go thru at least 2-3 dozen during that time. It hurt my feelings, but I had to some. I only used maybe 4 eggs when making muffins. They just don't taste the same.
Rare breed or common, they will get eaten in my house.
same here.
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